
You are around the wrong guys. Also, try having sex at 4:20.

I'm a space telescope engineer. It takes me about 10 failures before I get something right and move on. I make sure everything is right before I hand off my work. That is how good engineering is done, believe it or not. The ability to work through lots and lots of failure is needed in any good engineer.

This is probably aimed at the commercial space travel market. I agree that there's no need for it on a satellite since satellites can beam back any data that they are designed to measure. Most satellite systems don't fail completely anyways since they are designed with one or even two backup systems.

I donated 5 bucks a few years ago. Then I realized that this professional looking organization isn't really doing very much and lost interest. A lot of what they have published is more philosophy than anything close to hard science. Maybe you have to walk before you can run, but I haven't been impressed as I've

@ectocooler: To go to an extreme on your first couple sentences... We also have nuclear weapons and high yield bombs that we aren't using. Using the appropriate weapons in the appropriate places is key.

Even though the glass can bend it can still shatter since a high velocity impact throws out shock waves and the bending distributes the load throughout the glass. All you need is a high state of stress in one spot to start a crack even in less brittle materials. Still, this glass is way better than previous

The irony here is that your criticism of my country is perfectly legal, protected, and welcome from you or any of my fellow citizens. The majority of the people in this world cannot say that.

The engines are right behind the cockpit. It is burning correctly. What a sight.

I kind of wonder if that parachute opened. Doesn't look like it.

Articles written like this are not good for Giz, in my opinion. The article is barely even relevant to the title and there is no information to expand on any of the ideas introduced. Why not just post a link to the real article instead? #suggestions

@Jimmy Doyle: Most people can get Powerline Adapters to work between circuits, but some people get slower speeds that way and some don't. It is best to plug the adapter right into the outlet instead of daisy chaining through a power adapter (especially one that filters power).

The Union of Concerned Scientists are being a little dramatic. The first reaction with a minute warning time would have been to drop the cooling rods down. That would have helped cool a normal temperature reactor for maybe 45 seconds and they got some more time from the on-site generators. Then you hope things hold

Sure, this could be used for crazy minority report viewing, but I think it could have way bigger implications for learning at any age. I picture some sort of science experiment going on and the students can see information of relevance popping up around the objects in the experiment. If the equation of motion for a

@triggerx: Amazon, Itunes, and other places where almost all your purchases pay the artists some amount is the perfect place to get MP3's. Everything else is people looking for handouts (except for the rare cases of actual legal file sharing).

They'll probably figure out how to embed a composite (particles, strings, or layers) of some sort into the material to give it more strength and fracture resistance. Alternatively, they might figure out a way to cause the material to crystallize once it has set, but I don't see that happening for quite awhile.

@KirkLuvsGreenChix: I agree. Every new electronic device is testament to our ability to shrink anything and everything.

Extra moving parts for a problem that a small percentage of the populations wants solved is not a great idea. People are creatures of habit. Something new has to be really good to get us to demand it.

He may be saying crazy stuff, but at least he has the cajones to do it. If you are going to fade into obscurity for awhile then you might as well do it with a bang. People call him crazy but anyone with money can beat that rap. Michael Jackson did it for years. Gary Busey is still doing it.