
@hemo_jr: Good call. Maybe there is a big computer in there too.

@twilight-arc: Give it 50 years and the definition of what life is like might be completely different. You'd be in a cave, but probably connected to the real world by about 500 different devices that are barely even noticeable.

@csfreestyle: Is this from Arrested Development? That was a hilarious episode.

@whatachiouche: USB 3 is out there, but it is still on the fringe of what's new. And you can't improve on USB 2 since it is a data transfer protocol that is fixed. I'm starting to wonder if they can spin DVD drives much faster too. Gotta switch to higher frequency lasers or wait for the day when throwaway miniature

I second that.

Only in Jeapordy was Watson compared to humans. In the real world it will have applications that no human could ever do and will complement us, not compete with us.

My job requires a government clearance and a polygraph. They have asked me about a heck of a lot more than my Facebook password. I'd never give them my password though, since it gives the message that it is acceptable behavior by an employer.

The difference here is that most people leave their computer on all the time and the camera would see maybe 12 hours of use a day if it is in the hands of a professional, and much less for us normal people.

A low speed fan could help things quite a bit in the right design. It wouldn't make sense to have a high speed fan unless there were big enough pressure relief outlets for it on the chassis (the heat has to go somewhere). The problem with image sensors is that the middle of the sensors can get a lot warmer than the

Inifinidock can work fine as a five icon dock, but you get the option of extra dock pages for only a dollar. It really comes in handy if you have more than five apps that you use all the time.

That's what I thought too. I had to pay for it several months ago.

It is painless except for the wait for Cydia to load. That can take quite awhile (a couple minutes) if you are using a 2nd gen iTouch. Probably a quarter as long if you have a 4th gen device.

I have had both programs for awhile and they are great for a buck, although I am partial to using folders instead of more pages so I stopped using Infiniboard. It's easy to get lost when you can go horizontal and vertical. I was a sad puppy when I jumped the gun on iOS 4.1 and it took a couple months for Infinidock to

The Oort cloud hasn't even been observed directly, but we know that is where most of our comets originated from. The cloud is a quarter of the way to the nearest star, so there isn't much illuminating it and infrared is about the only way we'll see it. Once the James Webb Space Telescope goes into orbit we'll get a

suck it Trebek.

I had some Before and After today (half egg and chicken salad sandwich).

If it is hiding in the Oort cloud, then it could be massive and not be visible to us or much of a gravity anomaly compared to all the asteroids hanging around it.

Ironically, I used to work for a NASA contractor and on defense contracts until the changing nature of government contracts downsized me. To be honest, there are cuts across the board in the space industry right now. The days of big unlimited budget government contracts are over for now. I'm not saying that there

I'm a huge fan of building up NASA intelligently too, but right now I'd rather have a job. I'd rather that Obama throw money at that for now.

That bridge is so eco friendly that it will take out entire species of birds daily.