
@Iowa11: Because there are a hell of a lot of other things out there that will kill you. Go to any nation with bigger terrorism problems (per capita) and you'll find that other causes of death are still higher.

@m57: What are "the forces"? By force do you mean tips from terrorist harboring nations? We only get those tips as long as we play nice. Our power is not as big as you'd think. We also have Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan to keep in check.

@FThorn: We are not the only vaporizer in the world. Vaporizing can be costly if you piss off the wrong vaporizer. Now say that ten times fast.

@joelja: That's like asking Russia to become a democracy. How about a more realistic solution in the next 20 years? I think the last one can be done if that is all we focus on.

If it had Richard Simmons strapped to the front, then people would run.

Navigation satellites.... Right. That's code for "We're not telling you what was on that rocket."

@snownpaint1: People that give information only do so because they assume they will be protected as sources. If that is gone then the valuable intelligence we get will be gone too. Next time we might not be able to thwart a terrorist plot against the US or several other countries if that happens.

@snownpaint1: It's pretty much guaranteed that people will die because of the information that was leaked. Maybe not a diplomat, but perhaps the sources they used. Enjoy your news.

@superdemon: Freud did a lot more for psychotherapy than many people realize. He was the father of talk therapy where you actually talk to a stranger about your mental problems in the hopes of curing them. Kind of a big deal. It's a lot nicer for curing mental disorder than years and years in an asylum is.

Ahmadinejad will deny that the star was ever on top of the roof. There's no proof. It never happened. Google is a big faker. And so are the probably million pictures people took of that airport during takeoffs and landings. All lies. No way did that star ever exist.

@qingdom: Wait 10 years and we'll be having raging debates over whether this new treatment should even be legal. The government will get rid of any funding for it over the huge controversy. Living a long time with a better quality of life through drugs is not a common value in the US for some reason.

C'mon now, let's all get fake bullet holes for our wall mount TVs.

@TimJDav: Well, there is this thing called social pressure that used to be a driving force in the way young adults acted. Back in say the 1940's many places were still very rural and a child didn't dare do anything too out of line for fear of being cast off by their local society. The professor probably thinks he is

Next app: Rate My Orgasm.

That TV looks like love. Awwww.

@Sir Gibler: Good call. I don't think VHS will last. Blu-Ray though, that'll be around forever.

@akswun: Yeah, since you were like 12.

@ChaosKeep: The entropy of the universe is constantly increasing as it becomes more homogenized in various ways. The entropy of an open system can decrease, but a closed system is the same as the universe.

@wheresmyjetpack: The mission of the TSA is make our transportation infrastructure safer. It can't be made safe because nothing is totally safe. And that is why all this money to make things 99.99999 percent safe instead of 99.8 percent safe is a waste since the terrorists will just shift their tactics to something