
@BigEngineSmallCar: That's going to be the premise of a new show: Hide the Hookers, hosted by Charlie Sheen.

@anitesh.jaswal: That's the great thing about faith. It can justify anything and you can't argue because it has no theory to test.

@UmbertoCabbageton: It wouldn't be the first time that happened compared to other developing countries.

I've noticed over the years that just counting to 10 in my mind is usually more like 15 seconds if I check a stopwatch. It seems to get worse every year since I was in my early 20's.

It will certainly make a motherboard more rugged for those of us who slip with a phillips head once in awhile and gouge a transistor. Not sure on the thermal design. Seems like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

@christopherksteele: The Cubans are more American than a lot of people realize. They revolted against the system. So did we. We just ended up with democracy. In the beginning we were both the same. I love our form of democracy. There have to be some Cubans who love socialism, although they also aren't free to

@DonLuc: Che was vicious as a military leader. He had balls though. Big ones. He was a rebel, but so were Americans underneath British rule.

@countjackula: maybe if they were identical twins it could possibly happen, but that's just creepy.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: I agree, although I'm guessing any planet with life and a moon probably has liquid. I'm thinking that the tidal forces in the liquid will always stop the moon from rotating eventually due to irregularities in the moon density. Just an idea. Any idea if I'm right?

@salt_bagel: I think the moon was on my PS3 music screen saver last night.

Somebody needs to photoshop him naked.

Throw in a car chase or two and then maybe I wouldn't have yawned.

@blub: I had Star Trek (the original) in my mind as it played.

@OMG! Ponies!: Steve just called me. They ran out of iTunes. He's pissed.

Anyone know how this compares to Super KO Boxing 2 on the app store? I found that game similar to punch-out, but just a little too random and complicated at times to have the motivation to figure out an opponents one or two weaknesses.

Thank god he survived.

Everyone complains about his crazy antics, but I think it just makes him even more famous. Maybe it harms his acting career, but he'll always have work.

@PortableGoogle: You need the Select in there before Start. I still have that etched into my brain for no good reason.

@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: C'mon, give apple a break. Just because they'll probably put the brightness sensor inside the screen on iPhone 5 doesn't mean they won't get it right for iPhone 6, or maybe 7.