Big Sexy®

Look on the bright side! Both teams could work together to solve homelessness if they built houses with all those bricks.

I’d be cool with MORE RNG in Hearthstone if Blizzard would give more variety on viable deck types. I’m still irritated that they took away Face Hunter, basically killing Hunter as a viable class in the meta, and then proceeded to pass along face-first strategies to other classes. I like RNG right now because it gives

I feel like I’m caught between respecting a highly analytical player’s desires for a meta game that incorporates careful strategy and values set-up/execution, and my general love of RNG in Hearthstone and the feeling that anything can happen. I like that RNG in terms of card effects can win or lose me a game, rather

I enjoy (and can tolerate losing to) RNG in Hearthstone for some reason. Hell, I LOVED Yogg-Saron for that reason. I honestly can’t tolerate overly-competitive, control-oriented players in Hearthstone, and it seems like a lot of the backlash over balance comes from them right now. They can’t use a chess mentality

To be entirely fair, Hillary’s appeal would have worked if Americans as a whole were a rational bunch.

Actually, no. People keep acting like the libertarian platform (Not necessarily Johnson/Weld as a ticket) is something that appeals to all voters. I’d imagine a lot of people will agree on the “socially liberal” side of the coin, but “fiscally conservative” is still a hard sell because I actually like some level of