
@ChuckCharles: Have you guys played Spirit Tracks yet? Freaking amazing. It's got all the loco motion of the 2D Zeldas, plus some little 3D extras. Amazing Nintendo is.

@Nelson: Oh god, that would be awesome.

Edit: Nm. Boo two directional joysticks. What's wrong with the 4 direction one?

@Orionsaint: Except for the fact that this is OFFICAL, you're correct in your snooty answer.

@Franky_AAA: Hopefully. If they fix some of the bugs from the original & make it f2p or really cheap, honor lifetime subscriptions & updated the game in a timely mane then yes.

@LanciePants: You never played the game did you...

This game was fucking awesome. I can't wait to play it again.

@cippycup: Um wowdb & wowhead have had 3d models of your characters for a long time...

@d_r_e: I was just playing Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road at some arcade in a pizza joint in a small town off the 395 in the middle of the California desert. It was awesome. I can still get first place every time. I made that quarter last until we left.

@billysan: Point and click. You either love it or hate it. I think most people lean towards hating it.

I came here to say how artsy they look, saw a few of the pics & now I have nothing.

How much storage does it have?!

@SinisterUrge13: Yup I can't even play Peggle for more than 5 minutes on my iPhone. Freaking PEGGLE! I'll stick to my laptops, desktops, DS's & PSP's for gaming.