
Do want! It's so cuddly it'll rip your face off.

@Ratfuzz: Think of it as a piano. In fact compared to a piano it has very few keys.

@magnakaiser: Yeah including everyone else's intellectual property :D

@DutchOtaku: They can & they all do, just not on Chinese servers. They all play on the Taiwanese servers. Anyways Blizzard was just wayyyy too capitalist for their commie asses.

With a room like that I'd take some really hi res shots of the room...

Wow you ALL fail & you ALL need to jailbreak your iPhones. See while you are posting pics of the wall paper, you're also posting pics of your lockscreen. I can see my wallpaper ON MY HOME SCREEN yes, that's right. *Puts smug look of satisfaction on*

@abort_user: Man, I had sooooo much porn on my PSP!

@t4paN: Rather be water boarded then beheaded. Just sayin.

@t4paN: I bet they aren't. They don't have to be worried about being taken out back & having their beheadings filmed because their captors feel like it.

@Cpryd001: Yeah man they got paid big bucks for that job.

I want to jump in there & rescue the poor girl.

@kitenai: Thanks for that early morning laugh.

@Soniku: And he's saying a Zelda wedding can't be classy. I say screw him.