
wtf is wrong with you guys? Why did you even post this? I believe it's time for me to remove myself from Gawker websites. Goodbye Giz. And Fuck you Jesus.

@Marc Spinella: Wasn't snark, just telling you what's up. It

@Raven_CDN_: I can't wait for 64 player maps. *drools*

@Marc Spinella: Um, it is a PC. It's just a single rack unit PC.

Way to water down the franchise DICE.

@Yossarian: At first i read "quitting to form a band together" 0.O

@Dobostar: What!? What are you waiting for! Do it now!

@Klausaidon: Nope, nothing like tower defense. All yo do is launch birds at buildings with a slingshot. It's more akin to a puzzle game.

@Dobostar: Ad Free Android ftw. Ever use it? It blocks all ads on your phone, in apps, in browser.

@Golgari: You obviously don't follow the lore.

@Adam: Well maybe they'll change the consumer outlook with new hardware, but they're not off to a great start & have a lot of catching up to do D:

@Reginald Atkins: I'm gonna miss them. It's gonna be sooooo weird playing today.

@Adam: LOL that's why they sold so many, right? I went from a 2g iPhone to a Samsung Vibrant. I'm really glad I didn't even entertain the idea of getting a Pre.

@A GIANT SMURF: True that, but like you said, the 3Gs was out at the time. There was no way it could compete with it. And even though Android handsets were lacking at the time, everyone already knew that the Android market was superior. All the bad press about the Palm SDK didn't help. People were left wondering if

@A GIANT SMURF: Yes, because the device didn't blow or suck in any way.

@DrakeDatsun: Naw. I've played a few Pokemon games (DS & GBA). They are all the same.

@RKONZ: I agree so much with you. Oblivion was one of the most boring games I have ever played, even with its fresh (at the time the 360 was brand new) next gen graphics I couldn't get into it.

Pokemon. Period.

@ddhboy: Considering that PC's last through 2 product cycles usually, it's a better value as well. In my case it was the PS2/PS3 & Xbox36 cycle with just a video card upgrade.

@TOCATL: You will definitely be fighting the Black Dragonflight. So i don't get your post either. Deathwing isn't confirmed as one of the bosses, but we can safely assume he his. Is he the last boss of the expansion is the real question.