When you see one set of footprints
When you see one set of footprints
All about that release order.
It might even be more epic than the famous TGIFriday’s endless appetizers piece!
Its a German aristocratic rank equal to a count.
Why would they clean it?
How to get Natalie Dormer go on a 59 hour date with you
The worst part of a 56 hour superhero movie marathon full of truly raving fans?
He has seen his BORD.
Hell isn’t the movie marathon itself but having to sit next to unshowered strangers filling themselves with popcorn and hotdogs for 59 hours.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Zack Snyder’s films. The drama is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the references will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Batman’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his…
It’s not lost. Warners knows exactly where it is.
I was already 20 when Ichiro joined MLB and I think I’d thought I was years past the part of my life where a professional athlete could ever be the kind of immortal, larger-than-life figure that, say, Michael Jordan or Lawrence Taylor or Martina Navratilova had seemed to be when I was a kid. But Ichiro was—and in lots…
“Man Releases [Gaming Related] Video [That Features New Info & Cool Stuff About A Popular And Beloved Game] on Youtube [& Kotaku Writer Create A Short Post Sharing Some Of This New Info With Folks Who Might Be At Work/School And Can’t Watch It Now OR Who Didn’t Know About This Video And Now Get To Watch It]”
“Simmons has about nine inches on me...”
I laughed...
Malls are Back !!!! Time to call my wastetoid gen X friends to cruise the mall for some new wave babes and avoided the parentals , you know it !!!