
They seem to take such glee in seeing us “elites” enraged.

And, to be clear, I’m pretty big on the value of family. Most of my closest friends are actually family members. But, no, I don’t think you have to respect your family just because they are your family. That’s some silly, irrational cultural trait which is long past its sell-by date.

All us gay folks know there’s the family that you’re born with (I have three grown adult nephews who are complete strangers to me, and now that my parents are dead, I no longer see them, or my sister and her husband), and the family that you surround yourself with. You have no choice in the former, but every choice in

My biological family (I’m adopted) is this way. My half sisters stepmother was bloviating about how only Republicans have true values and are good people, and how Trump will champion them. Mind you, this champion of values married her husband after having a five year affair with him when he was married to my

My family tree consists of Trumpkins as bad as yours--unfortunately, a small world.

You’ve nailed it. As much as anything else they are motivated by spite and hate of “libtards”. Not your more positive motivators. Quite dark in fact.

Your sister sounds like my mother. My parents and I mutually ignored each other for three weeks following the election (they live in Wisconsin, and they voted for the bloated cheetoh). When Thanksgiving arrived, they called to say hello. My dad was fine. My mother? “Oh, sounds like your migraine really trumps my

So sorry that happened to you. From your story, it seems that most of your family members weren’t too bad (despite their abhorrent politics), but your sister sounds like a fucking bitch.

Sounds like they were being meaner than was necessary, though?

Feral man had this in his inbox today. Top item - I laughed like a crazy person when I saw it. Hopefully it will at least make you giggle

Find yourself some other political or social “orphans” and make yourself a new family of choice because those pricks don’t seem very loving or supportive.

Day after Xmas.

Day after Christmas:

With Bills money he should have bought her Nintendo not just a Nintendo.

This has been my mantra as of late. Conservatives prey on our liberal compassion, empathy and circle like vultures around our decency. I am of the opinion fuck them all. I am done being decent to false news conspiracy theorists, fascist, neoconservative mother fuckers that should just get STOMPED.

the fact that no one got their guns taken away means nothing, of course. *rolls eyes*

Because he’s surrounded by people who think that Sandy Hook was a hoax to help “Obummer” to take our guns away.

These false flag morons are a goddamn plague. And the worst among them are the Sandy Hook deniers. Fuck them all.

Instead, he chose to throw a temper tweet-rum at Vanity Fair bc they didn’t like his shitty restaurant and his baby orange fee fees got hurt.