
Hey, you guys, Piers Morgan has an opinion about something

Oh, shut the fuck up.

White folks’ relationship with the n word is truly fascinating and it encapsulates white pathology so perfectly. Eliminate the word we used (use) to oppress because black people are reclaiming it and it makes us uncomfortable and as we all know white comfort takes precedent over the very concept of humanity.

Wouldn’t “Bitch” be the closer word?

I wonder what the public discussion over “safe spaces” would look like if we first all attempted to agree on exactly what a “safe space” is. Because I feel like this issue is an excuse for people to free associate on what it sounds like to them and argue over the feelings it inspires, instead of, like, concrete

I just adore her. She basically circumvented the ballet dinosaurs with their ossified promotion system by taking her cause to the people. She gave ABT no fucking option. She is a badass.

The only part that *surprised* me is where her own legal complaint alleges that the organization consistently force their “employees” to have abortions. They’re not employees, they’re slaves. No reason to give the organization even that slim veneer of propriety.

She swallowed bleach to get away, I would say that was less "convince" leaders you are suicidal, and more "willing to risk dying to get away" How is there nothing the police/FBI/whoever deals with cults can do?

Dat Dame Mirren doe...

I’m obsessed with the sparkly . . . thingy thing. Where can I get one?

I love Michelle Obama and think she should remain First Lady forever, but Eleanor Roosevelt needs some credit here. She was pretty damn amazing as a First Lady.

Michelle Obama is the best first lady ever! I don’t care about any of them other ones. She is beautiful and full of life and dresses fabulously. And she didn’t let all the racist things said about her bring her down that shit rolled right off.

I’ll second everything DanceswithPeeps said, she is awesome.

I road trip to Cincinnati a lot because they have an IKEA and a lovely store called Jungle Jims which carries food from every country you can imagine - and it’s basically like a theme park/grocery store (so if you got attached to Marmite in London - they have it!).

Dismiss and ignore people! I really don’t think the site staff is motivated to do anything about it, so we have to.

Hi all, hope you’re having a nice weekend so far. Warning: body-related rant.

The video is awesome! Thanks for posting it. I will now share it everywhere I can—perhaps especially in Oklahoma.

I don’t know - I get the impression that he would act like an entitled dick to anyone, just to inflate his own ego. Probably the bane of all waiters in a 50 mile radius. An “Equal Opportunity Annoyer”, if you will.

I don’t understand that mindset at all. Are celebrities not allowed to be off the clock? If someone started harrassing me on my day off to put together some spreadsheets I might even become violent

Dude, you paid for a movie ticket/cable and received a movie/tv show. End of contract.