
Well, it WAS our Christmas celebration, so I was trying to play along...

This is why I love you so.

I’m surprised/not surprised how many Trump supporters seem to want revenge more than a society that works. I mean, what they really want to see is us pesky know-it-all elites punished and hurt. A functioning government is not what they are concerned with. I see them expressing it in overt and covert ways. They are

I just came here because I have to spill my guts and can’t do it anywhere else.

God, I love calm scary dad Obama.

Well, we normally don’t like to hurt the college chances of young white men.

Kinda wishing for the giant meteor now. We are done here.

What the hell? You sit on a damn toilet to eat? What kind of sick bullshit is this?

PSST No face goop is worth $185.

PSST No face goop is worth $185.

Right? What the fuck is the smell of coral? And all these smells like “ocean breeze” or “fresh linens” or “pomegranate” just smell like some random floral shit, because those things either don’t smell or smell like something you don’t want your house to smell like.

Note to self: get into the candle business.

You monster, they have to SUFFER a STIGMA. Do you not understand how difficult that is?


There’s a reason women could relate to the Princess Leia/Jabba the Hutt scene. That’s all I’m saying.

I think the real problem is that none of us feel like doing anything other than sobbing right now.

Is his marriage to Melania a huge sham at this point?

Occam’s Razor never even nicked these people.

If there is an issue of men controlling women, that is the issue that should be worked on. Not what women wear.

Genital mutilation is done TO young women. If adult women want to have their genitals mutilated, I suppose that is their right, but forcing permanent changes on children’s bodies is wrong IMO.