
Apt user name.

MLB Is Reportedly Introducing An Automatic Intentional Walk

Really, how hard was the hit? Did Alexander ring Graham’s bell?

Saw this on Instagram:

Until the ~90% of the country that is not an urban area can be effectively serviced by mass transit, you'd be throwing about the next 50 years of GDP at mass transit to create the necessary infrastructure to service bumfuck nowhere, Iowa and rest of that 90% of the land in the US. Mass transit is spectacular for many

Sun visors are great when they work, but their size is pretty limited. I'd be shocked if there isn't a a more clever solution possible, I mean, there has to be.

We have higher instances of autism because we expanded the definition of autism. When you expand a definition, necessarily there will be more things covered by it.

+1. "illegal hands to the face, defense". oh, you mean every offensive player's stiff-arm, ever?

"Oh wow. Must suck for the offense when the league makes an arbitrary rule that makes your job that much harder. (wanking motion)"- Every defender in the league.

That's scary. Imagine how many more cars might have been involved if they'd FUCKING FILMED IT WITH THE PHONE HELD THE RIGHT WAY!

Well, the Trojan is broken, but at least he pulled the little guy out in time.

You're not from the Midwest. And that's ok. But, Cargill is a massive food production/processor and commodities conglomerate. Pork, beef, chicken, many grains, steel, transportation, and apparently financial services. Plus, and I didn't know this either, if they were publically held, they'd be #9 on the Fortune 500.