
Third from the bottom left of the last page certainly looks like our dumbass Rep from ND, Kevin Cramer. Here is another thing he signed.

Not to be too picky but the fact that it was a calf and not a cow is important. It is the difference between being able to bury 300 pounds or 1600 pounds. 

Just incase you are wondering what is actually happening here is the story. Basically people left one hell of mess that is now getting cleaned up before potential spring flooding and the water that is supposedly being protected actually gets a bunch of junk in it.

Well unrelated from the computer chair have you found any comfortable car chairs? I’m 6'4" and can get away with a 30 or 32 inch inseem on my jeans and finding a car to drive that I can drive and actually see stoplights out of is a pain. I have a 2011 Outback that I took the sun visor out of but was just wondering

The strip that I find to be the funniest is Tundra. I doubt it is on the coasts much or in big cities but if you like the outdoors and/or live in cold weather it is pretty funny.

So I decided to download it and play around a little. That is bs that pokemon are all around. I have nothing nearby to me. The list is empty. I guess you don’t get to play if you don’t live in a city/town.

Any one who lives in the country and regularly drives on gravel. I’ve gone a decent amount faster than that if I was in a hurry. Pickup, car, semi with a grain trailer, and snowmobile come to mind off the top of my head. That last one is a stretch to call it on gravel but it was the road where it should have been

No shows within about 1000 miles of me. That is useful.

My parents are actually on an Alaskan Cruise as we speak and have been dealing with gale force winds for the last 3 days. They are headed south probably along that area if not a little north. I have no idea if that has anything to do with it but I believe the pool onboard had been closed and drained and they only do

I’ll just copy and paste what I’ve posted in the past.

I’ll be that guy. How many steps do you get before a travel is called?

I’ve got an old Dell that I want to change but it won’t die on me. 16x10 here and I get the black bars at the top and bottom. They don’t really bother me though as that is better to me than stretching or distorting anything for a “full screen”. On a side note does anyone know if Blurays play right by default on a

A million acres of land sounds like a lot but divided out amungst all farmland that isn’t much. At 912 million acres we are talking about a variance of around .0011 or .11%. A tenth of a percent is pretty small. That can be as simple as areas that had been wet taken out of cropland. If I am unable to plant due to the

If the intereior rear view mirror isn’t required so long as I have a drivers and passenger outside mirror does that mean I can take mine out? I’m 6'4" and am mostly torso (30-32 inch inseam). The front right side of my car is the biggest blind spot I have trying to see things behind that damn rear view mirror. I would

In agriculture you have been able to get that for about eight years or so. It is RTK (real time kinematic) corrections. Pretty much every gps reciever comes with GPS/GLONASS, DGPS corrections, and RTK available. However the base stations have an approximate 6 mile range and it is probably the only network were

As a farmer reading the comment threads on these stories scares me. I farm with my dad and an uncle helps out sometimes as well. I took over for him after a paralyzing accident actually. We farm about 2000 acres and raise spring wheat (flour) and soybeans (oil/animal feed).

Thank you. I’m not in Bumfuck, Iowa but I am in rural North Dakota. Just today as I took my wife into town to get her new eye glasses fixed I was thinking about self driving cars. I had read the motherboard piece on google last night and laughed at the thought of one of those here.

I agree. It is -10 right now here and it is almost 10 am. -40 to about +10 should more than cover any kind of scarf weather.

Why not do like Google does in the play store and have a for current version only of reviews or whatever. Add in a version number to all reviews and you can see how that paticular “game” is playing. View each release as a new entry.

I had the swords at 19 and now take level 23 to equip but I still have one of them. The other I lost putting on a prop sword to not hurt someone too badly.