
That will be a big help on the roughly 8% of crop land that is irrigated. That is a couple of years old but would still be roughly accurate.

AB+ here and while it is true that the blood isn’t the most useful the plasma that I donate they love as that can be given universally. Also the platelets are able to be used on more that just AB+. I’m over the 15 gallon mark.

I have a 2011 Outback (base model) that has been the first car that I can truly call comfortable. I’m 6’4” with stubby legs (30-32” inseam) and the interior headroom is great. I have put on almost all of the 55k miles (it had 15 miles on it when I took the first test drive) on it and I live on a farm in east central

The corn that you grow in your back yard is sweet corn and that can be grown for a family to consume. From the little bit of digging around I did there are about 400,000 acres of sweet corn planted annually. It looks like recently Bt and Roundup Ready sweet corn has been grown but I have no idea how much is gmo versus

I am a farmer. I will probably make some incorrect assumptions about what people see as a problem with farms from an urban stand point but I know that there are incorrect assumptions from your point of view as well. It is safe to say that there is a huge divide between rural and urban culture in this country.

Yep. My parents have one from Tupperware that I've always remembered having around. I have recently started eating it raw straight out of the garden, I think it is much better personally.

I've got a 2011 Outback that I took out the drivers side sun visor on, it is the best thing I've done in a car to help with vision. I can see most stop lights now without having to stoop down in the seat. Now if I could just find a car that had glass another 6 inches higher up I could see all the traffic lights.

But will it improve my reception in the field?

Thank you, I appreciate that. There is so much more than just a farmer that goes into feeding people. Equipment manufacturers, seed companies, chemical companies, truckers, barges, fertilizer manufactures, trains, many different types of farms (livestock, grain, fruits, vegetables...), elevators, food processors, and

Self employed farmer here. The self employment tax is a killer. That is on a higher income amount as well because you get to figure it on all of your income and then take half of it off as an expense after it is calculated. Also I don't know the rules but I've never made a quarterly payment, but I do have to have

I've got some relatives that I've helped with beet harvest a couple of times. They went a put an automatic shifter in the semi and that thing is a bitch to drive. Just let me shift. The most I hauled was about 88k for a load but they also told me that the scales go to 100k and that is it so I'm thinking some people

Natural sausage casing is good stuff. I'd also like to try Haggis though so I might be a bit crazy.

Very true. You also don't hear it inside the house. I'm just saying that when it is quiet out you can hear the whistle. You can also smell french fries from the potato processing plant about 15 miles away.

The farm I grew up on is just shy of 5.25 miles from a rail crossing and on a quiet night you can hear a train horn when they go through the intersection. That is 2 miles farther away than the interstate is.

I've not heard of any of those songs either but then again I don't listen to any top 40.

I hate the Seahawks with a passion but must say I am a fan of Lynch for his handling of the media.

So the more expensive balls will hook because of what they are made of on the inside and on how the outside of the ball is finished. Towards the end of the video when they are bowling you see the label of the ball as 4000 grit finish versus a factor polish. The 4000 grit finish will be rough (in a relative sense) and

The ball manufacturer is Storm, the line of bowling balls is the Reign On just a heads up.

I agree that it is evil. I'm just saying that to the people who are defending drm on digital goods but then are upset about them on physical goods. Why can some company tell me what ebook reader I have to use after I've purchased a product? It is the same thing just comparing physical to digital. Any thing you buy

It is evil because it is new and people haven't accepted it yet. However people are saying that it is good thing because it protects Keurig (in this case the same as a musician or author) because it allows them to control how you use it. The physical world is different from the digital but either way they are both