
This “program” was Harry Reid funneling 22 million hard earned tax dollars to a campaign donor who has a hard on for aliens. If the government had real alloys from an alien ship, would they leave it It in The hands of someone that’s wants to prove aliens are real? These are just meteors. The truth is the US government

So Poe and Finn aren’t together?

Agree completely. I have worked for a decade for a utility company. Long hours, hard work, but a pension and 401k, more money than I thought I would be able to make, and surrounded by guys with thirty plus years experience. My first foreman was made a form an the year I was born. If stability is what you want the jobs

“pilot and Medal of Honor recipient by the name of Richard Bong

The uncle’s are best known by their street names- Itchy, Smelly, and Sweaty.

An o line can’t possibly have bad numbers if the QB checksdown after .8 seconds

Ignore the tools. Al Franke didn’t find his morals until he got caught. There are no saints, and anyone will sell there soul for the right price.

Simple answer: stop televising games. I love watching college sports, but almost any issue they have can easily be addressed by taking away the revenue and just letting the amateur athletes play

Pulled both my older boys out and my youngest has never been allowed to play. I was at work and my wife was unaware he hurt his head the first time. Parents aren’t allowed within 5 yards of the field. His coach sent him back in “once the cobwebs cleared.” Which is expressly against the rules of the league.

Yes. It’s a shame. I sincerely hope he’s ok. But if he kept his head up and went for the tackle instead of the hit, then there’s a good chance he wouldn’t be in the hospital right now.

Very scary. The sad part is the dumb motherf××cker did it to himself by putting his head down.  I say this as both a Steelers fan and the father of a young man who was out of school for 3 months after a concussion playing football.

Knowledge of a subject cools down the take, and Kinjans demand only the hottest and freshest takes be served here.

I feel like I’ve stunted LittleNick’s future earning potential by not naming him Carson or Caleb.

Watching all of those impotent yellow flags flying into the air is really the highlight of this clip for me.

Don’t worry. Recruiting will not be affected. The non revenue generating sports will absorb the cost. Or they’ll just fire some professors.

Pokemon became unrealistic when the 10 year old boy was sent out into the world by himself to catch wild animals and use them in dogfighting tournaments

It was the Border Collie. He led the whole herd astray.

Bella, Blanca, and Delilah

“It would have been a really good call if we would have made it”