
Let’s not blame Trump or America. Blame should be heaped upon ‘Murica, okay? ‘Muricans voted for the Great Pumpkinhead.

We all need a hobby. :)


Cisco goes to nickname her “Wait, I got the perfect name for you. Power Girl!”.

the film will feature John Constantine (who will indeed be voiced by Matt Ryan, who played Constantine in the short lived NBC live-action show)

It’s made nearly 4 times it’s budget back in the box office. That’s far from a flop or an underperformer. It’s one of Warner Brothers highest ever grossing films

I think Elon Musk does not spend enough time around real people.

Ok, big reveal in the third movie: Poe and Fin are hunkered down during a big battle. Poe says that he’ll stay out of the way, He get’s it.. Fin tells Poe that he’s got it all wrong, Rey is Fin’s sister *gasp* then they kiss while surrounded by possibly cannibalistic teddybears. *scene*

Very intimidating baddie.

I saw The Core. I am not saying this because it’s relevant, I just want you to feel bad for me.

Reverse Christ

All I want is a scene of Tony Stark, Rocket Raccoon, Thor and Jessica Jones at Luke’s Bar, knocking back a few very alcoholic drinks. Do that, Marvel and you will cinema for the rest of time.

Bothan Commander: Alright, we’ve got the plans, but this is a tight spot. That’s okay, we’ve been through worse together. We just need to get through this blast door and we’re home free.

Alright, but who is gonna play the role of Manny Bothans!?

Can we take a moment to appreciate the excellence of the headline on this piece

I’ve been waiting for a straight adaptation of this story since 1989...and its being done by the best Batman team ever assembled.

Hey, you rooted for something to fail, and it did! Great job!

Something weird and amazing is happening in the comments section...

Please, please just stop.