
OMG LOL you win the internet today.

OMG why why why does I09 and its contributors/readers hate on DC so much. Like...why even write about it. The movies and TV shows are everything I as a 40+ year DC and Marvel fan have been waiting for. Do you guys get paid by the hateful word or something?


You’re all crazy. This movie was great.

Wah, wah, wah. “Barry’s too stupid” “Barry makes bad decisions” “The CW writers are stupid.” The constant whining about this awesome show and it’s amazing cast is what is truly annoying. Y’all need to relax and remember when we had “0" DC shows to complain about.

I find it highly doubtful and ridiculous that the Russo Brothers were not “aware” of the Inhumans on Agents of SHIELD. I feel like there is some “holier than thou” kind of attitude with connecting the movie and TV universes. The sandbox is big enough for everyone!