The weekend series against the Rays will be played at the Trop...
The weekend series against the Rays will be played at the Trop...
He wasn’t a chemist either, but looked how well that turned out for him.
I know as a white male I shouldn’t weigh in but there feels like more important or useful battles to fight then this one.
Reason #1 why the DH rule in the American League is ridiculous. Pitchers can get away with this crap without ever having to face retaliation.
Welcome to Gawker. Can’t wait for the Hamilton Nolan article in a few years about the “unjust mistreatment” this terrorist is receiving in jail.
Hey Dzhokar, counting yourself, how many virgins will you find on the other side?
There has to be some technique involved with keeping that much liquid in the cup from such a distance.
I took this to be tongue-in-cheek. Should I have?
Completely inappropriate and unprofessional
That picture actually gives me hope. If Kelly can get Tebow to perform a gay wedding, he can do anything...
NHL playoffs are incredibly enticing. Anyone who thinks differently is a heathen and deserves to be cast from society.
The whole "publishing her name" thing really makes me question the validity of the second "A" in "AA."
You do know some of your readers are Deaf right? Not all of us can just “go over and listen” to your shitty ass podcast.
Jose Bautista doesn’t appreciate your little skip, jackass
Why could that be?
I still think the way to fix college basketball (and get me to pay more attention) would be allowing the one-and-done players to go straight from high school to the pros. This would also fix the D League (throw some exciting 19 year olds to start there for a season instead of ride the bench all year in the NBA).
Those Hawks really are committed to team defense.
Wow, look at that incompetent figurehead strutting around like he’s doing something of value. Like he’s actually respected by anyone. How do you not have the self-awareness to realize that you suck at your job so much? That you should just quit while you’re behind? Seriously, just show some fucking dignity at this…
Too close to Steeler fans. Ew.
Maybe it's me, but it's hard to feel bad for a team that signed a recovering drug addict/alcoholic, with a long history of relapses, to a multi year, multi million dollar contract, who then seem shocked that he fell off the wagon yet again.