This is such bullshit.
This is such bullshit.
69!! It’s HILARIOUS!!
that one was fake because he’s not a wrestler. all the other stunners are real and the wrestlers can’t do anything about it. it’s a fucked up business
There isn’t enough Busch Light in the world to make me understand what people get out of watching wrestling.
The marijuana suspensions are moronic. The mandatory year-suspension is draconian.
There is only one possible rational response to this and I think we all know what that is and nobody could possibly disagree.
“One of the best and most welcome developments of the 2016 baseball season is Barry Bonds returning to the major leagues as a hitting coach with the Miami Marlins.”
I don’t even care if they play a shit team like the Sixers
That and what seems to be $30 million more from the Texans.
Yeah, I see your point, but on the other hand GAME OF THRONES IS COMING BACK, Y’ALL!! WOOOO!!!
Because I asked him politely.
That is awesome. Normally the most fun you can get with 5 Bucks in Wisconsin is named Candy.
It was a militant camp, not a village. And by potentially killing a few civilians, you potentially spared a few hundred from dying by suicide bomb.
So, if I’m reading correctly, black people cannot be racist for the simple fact that they are black? Bullshit. Sorry, but that’s complete and utter bullshit. I’m not calling it “reverse racism” because that’s just fucking stupid, but I’ve had plenty of young, black men come up to me when I was out with my (now ex) gf…
just talked to my black friend, which is something i have. he said im not an asswhipe and that this article sucks.
That guy was actually his step dad. The kid hadn’t really taken a liking to his new step dad and usually only talked to him in passive aggressive remarks. Step dad thought that a trip to the ball game would change all of that. Kids love sports! But when he got there the kid wasn’t impressed and after every play would…
I’m no fan of Tom Brady, but I don’t have an opinion to put here after that statement.
It doesn’t matter who’s in the driver’s seat, this organization just crashes head on into a bridge embankment everytime.
“Big deal. I did that all the time in the 80s.”