He's got some African in him. And I don't say that in a bad way, other than he definitely believes in witchcraft and probably has AIDS.
He's got some African in him. And I don't say that in a bad way, other than he definitely believes in witchcraft and probably has AIDS.
Keith Olbermann Did You See The Road Warrior No That's Mad Max No Not The One With Tina Turner That Was ThunderdomeThis Is The Second One It's Really Good Probably The Best One Yea There Is Supposed To Be Another One Next Year But Anyway Keith Olbermann Throws A Boomerang But Like It's Not Just A Normal Boomerang…
The media and public "options" really do owe her an apology for knocking her the fuck out.
They should keep the tweet up, as it's still technically true. In hindsight, Janay would much rather have played the role of the person who wasn't knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator.