
Thank you for reminding me to take my Geritol...

And yet many Americams mock the EPA and our "over regulation." I know which scenario I prefer, thank you very much.

I just watched Mister Rogers do a "How It's Made" video about crayons and it was the best decision I've made all day.

Nah, the poster was white.

Yeah, in the ten years I've been building PCs I've never once used an anti-static strap.

you're a giver. You give. It's Who You Are.

Keep the Japanese away from this thing...please.

You will. Growing old sucks.

Are you shittin' me? "The Fifth Element" is the best EVAR!

It may be good. It may be great. BUT NOTHING BEATS THE FIFTH ELEMENT!!!!!

You americans love this kind of sentimental crap.

You know what boils my blood? The fact that so many people get all worked up about feeding Americans who need to eat, but never seem to mention the literal trillions in corporate welfare we've shelled out over the years, the majority of which went solely to people whose bank account balances have more digits than a

sigh, yet another person who seems to fall for the lies politicians and other rich people tell them about what welfare is about or is for. The majority of people on welfare is not drug-users or deadbeat losers... they're often just your normal everyday people who were down on their luck, who were only on welfare for a

He's missing the tomato soup.

That was a bad PR move. Not at all an intelligent decision. And I like Obama.

He should have given a big shout out to the company who employs tens of thousands of the nations SNAP recipients. Good thing Walmart accepts EBT cards so their employees can feed their families.

Now playing

Airborne disasters have happened in Ohio before.

This is a Drone submarine... Very good launch!!