
Or maybe...

I’ve got a good guess. I’m going to assume BEAM is a double walled bladder where they are inflating the space between the two bladders to expand it. A balloon within a balloon that are connected together if you will. But I’m starting to wonder if their problem is that there isn’t a vacuum on the inside living quarters

Came here to say just this.

I’m going to assume BEAM is a double walled bladder where they are inflating the space between the two bladders to expand it. But I’m starting to wonder if their problem is that there is a vacuum on the inside of the module behind the docking port that they are trying to draw against. If so they’ll never expand the

I was expecting the backside of the castle to be hollow, however my mind totally blown when he spun it around.

So what’s with the green-bitch-grannie-panties?

I feel your pain.

I’ve been on Mt. Washington in January when the temp was 10 below with 90 mph gusts. It was difficult to catch your breath. It’s truly incredible how bad the weather is on such a relatively small mountain.

What’s this “we” shit? You got a mouse in your pocket?

2007 OR10 = Planet Oreo. Just have to drill down to get to it’s creamy center.

Nope, not going with fur. Maybe very fine, fuzzy feathers but not fur.

Yes, but only games that have Denis Rodman in them. And so what if they are repeats, cheer anyway, @KimJongNumberUn commands it.

I’m afraid this also applies to children.

Since a Mars solar day is 40 minutes longer than earths I would suggest Jupiter. A Jupiter day is less than 10 hours, so much more time for n-nights.

So then witchcraft. Thought so.

“layered, fractal wave guide antenna” Please, if you are able, enlighten us on how this would work. I always thought your antenna had to be of certain size to pick up some waves well.

If you mean by feeding him to the sharks, well, it couldn’t hurt!