
Glad to see I’m not the only one who found that bump uncomfortable. I have a Revolution and a Performance and looked at them side by side with the Master. That slight bump is more like 4 or 5 millimeters higher than the other two. It was the deal breaker for me.

I returned it.

I’ve alwaysed used canistreamit it the past but I really like the way you can filter on Leanflix.

Get one of these. They’re great for kids and the replacement heads are reasonably priced.

Good heavens, this frog is wearing way to much mascara. I mean really, what’s wrong with Anura these days. Next thing you know they’ll be dating swine.

It would appear that some people require lessons on how to relax.

Stolen ...ahem, appropriated traffic cone makes one hell of a full face carburetor for those times that one wants to get totally “coned”.

This is my gift, my curse. Who am I?

I'd really like to reply but what does it matter? Even though I've been here since near the beginning I am still relegated to the land of gray.

Yes, yes it would be.

Too bad they couldn’t vent exhaust gases to pores along the leading edges to deflect bugs and prevent icing, or has that already been tried?

Loved making these when I was a kid. Hell, we could find all kinds of stupid things to do with matches back in the day. Luckily we never burned down any of our houses.

Hmm, kitty litter. Well that explains it then.

Have always had my sensitive electronics plugged into a quality Panamax unit. In 25 years I have only had one failure from a lightning strike and the Panamax took the whole hit. The company let me replace it with a upgraded model at significantly reduced cost. Best investment I ever made.

Cut the cord two weeks ago after a heated discussion with the wife regarding the fact no one in the house ever watches live TV anymore. My son is constantly on You Tube and my wife always on NetFlix. I've paid for DirecTv for years and even after going to the absolute cheapest level I was still paying about $80 a

There "is a reason" not to be a prick about grammar.

Does anyone remember the story of a (probably illegal) adapter that was manufactured that attached a 2 liter soda bottle to a gun barrel to act as a silencer/ suppressor?

That's nothing. I hear that in it's crystalline form it can force an entire section of the country to it knees practically overnight.

What's all the fuss? Obviously just another "Oops, I slipped" moment.

Somehow this seems appropriate.