Your name is HAMILTON and you are giving “whites” shit based on comments from a WSJ article? You have seen your reflection, correct?
Your name is HAMILTON and you are giving “whites” shit based on comments from a WSJ article? You have seen your reflection, correct?
That’s all well and good, but where are we on the “fuckability” of the touchpad on this one?
heh heh heh you said bung
I still can’t get over the arrogance of the “You think you want it, but you don’t” statement. There’s at least 150,000 that disagree with you, man.
Vanilla is gone, deal with it, move on.
How did you do the Audible deal with living social??
How did you do the Audible deal with living social??
I believe Nintendo kept handing out C&D’s during Iwata’s era too.
That’s great and all, but it’s weird that she wears her goggles on her head while she’s just sitting around at home.
Who cares Tracer trash
Because only plebs have their merges signaled with ungloved hands.
it would’ve sucked more if they worked on a game for two years without pay. they’ll be ok.
Buck Lives Matter
This is why we need a “sales college” where the sales figures from each state are adjusted to increase the value of units in small states. Without this, game companies will continue to focus their promotions where the most people are.
I live Georgia right outside of Atlanta (which is a pretty big city) and it’s ridiculous there’s no stop even remotely near by. The southeast just doesn’t even exist apparently. I feel your pain.
You guys got Trump. We get the Switch. Fair trade?
The GOTY Edition with all DLC for 20-30 bucks on Steam is pretty much the only way I buy AAA games now. Given the bugs at launch and the gouging for DLC, it’s just so much better to wait 6 to 9 months.
I watched it last time it was on Netflix, and I’d have to agree with you. It was pretty terrible.
But V for Vendetta isn’t a good movie. Why is it the featured image?