No trucking game will ever beat 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker.
Isn’t that called the “Jackie Chan” defense?
I’d always go to Blockbuster to play their display copy of Pokemon Snap and print out stickers.
I don’t know if this was good customer service. Nothing happened until after he posted publically.
It’s not real money, it’s just part of the game!
They were talking about the first series, where Edward sacrifices his body to get Al back and gets trapped on “our” Earth. Apparently the poll doesn’t count “Conqueror of Shamballa” as the true end to that series.
Are you talking about the new anime or the old one? Because in the old one that’s totally what happened.
So lets say you tie a guy in a race, you’re the only two people running. Did you tie for first or did you both take second?
Sounds fucking boring.
It’s Universal, so I’m going to guess it’s going to involve screens, 3D glasses, and at some point during the ride your vehicle will “fall” and something will catch you.
Alternatively: Stay home and order everything you’re looking for online.
The battery is red at 23% it only does that at 20%
Can’t had a different opinion around here without some cockbite treating other commenters like children I guess.
Seriously. You even say e-peen
talk to me as if im the child while literally losing your mind over me just saying “challenging?” Regarding another incredibly easy Pokémon game. What a fucking embarrassing comment. Top to bottom it’s irrationally over the top, unfunny and pathetic