
My parents are senior citizens and I rarely think about it that way, so much feels reading this article. Whose cutting onions!?!

Does want but can’t afford right now. My brother in law did reserve it, and is hilarious in still trying to justify it. Anywho, I downloaded Halo 5 and he’s bringing it over at midnight. Can’t wait to try it out.

Come on, even if they announced the intention ahead of time people would have flipped out, just like the Destiny emotes.

Man you were so right in that first sentence Jason, after I finally got the 310 ghost this weekend and then saw my digital Halo 5 finish downloading I thought, ok Destiny break time. WRONG!

o6 maunal Accord with VTech, yo. Issue was ultimately a valve that would open and get stuck, which would throw the engine into safe mode and drop rpm. Only way to re engage was to downshift but make sure not to engage the vtech, which was at about 3k RPM, on a 4 cylinder family car that took getting used to. Dealer

So does 1999 and the vest version. Shits ugly as fuck IMO. It’s also probably more than my mortgage.

I heard that bitch had cooties anyway

Soooooo we’re all in agreement that he did it, right?

Steve’s knocking these tweets out in between an abs and legs day, bro

Totally. Went to a wedding recently with old college buds, we’re in our mid 30’s now. I’m in the back seat mid bar hopping, and one guy heckles me for wearing a belt and asks why. “Because I’m not going out in the back of an Altima!”

Yeah but besides that one kid in middle school EVERYONE looks funny.

Haha yeah I had that one. Best part of year 2, keep it for the perks, looks or just whatever and upgrade it!

I agree, however 2 exceptions are the Alchemist Raiment and the Raid set, of course some of the hardest to get though.

Tell me about it, I’m nearly 305 and my damn ghost is 297....

I’m 304 Titan still haven’t gottan that helmet!

I had a buddy who was in the Coast Guard stationed in a remote Alaskan island drive his Cherokee all the way home to New Jersey. It started on ferry and the first 8 hours or so did not involve any pavement. He had the entire interior floor redone in that plastic material and he’d be so funny about doing whatever in

He’ll still get plunked in the 1st Spring training game next year.

That’s make it too easy. Keep the gear, grind for blues that are 290-300 then use double raid gear to get it over 300.

I haven’t had one match end in blowout yet, but have seen some lag. I think the light differences are also bigger in 2.0, so if you’re coming in with light below 300 you’re going to notice those over 300 taking more hits to bring down. Red Death is also still a beast in Iron Banner.

It was like in year one it dropping at 36 and not 42 light, you had to work more to make it truly competitive from a DPS or Armor stand point. The more IB gear you wear the more points you earn, plus it looks amazing. Half of my collecting in this game is for the appearance of it.