
I mean, it sounds like it could really depend on your situation. If you were planning on picking up the PS4 already, there's a ton of great games waiting for you, regardless of their previous availability. I knew I was getting one, so I waited on Black Flag and Ghosts (the latter being not that a game but you get my

Let's slap the Kodo design nose and tail lights onto the biggest thing we sell to make it look like the other things we sell that have been Kodo designed from the ground up!

As an Asian-American, I can only shake my head in disgust at this footage. Damn near outraged.

To be fair, we have to blame someone for Ken Jeong.

I had nine PS3s. Yes, nine. I think, if I remember right, about five went down to the yellow light. Other mishaps included Blu-Ray drive failure, and the hard drive dying. Given my track record with the PS3, if I'd bought a 360 instead, my calculations show I'd probably have gone through about 480 consoles.

Technical question: how does someone shat oneself "a little"?

Tim Tebow a better choice? Let's not overreact, Barry.

We see your mold and raise you MRSA.

Coming from a guy that's been losing his hair since high school and had to start shaving his head in college so he didn't look like a 35 year old man, this is great news. Maybe not for me, but for those other poor people (woman included) who have lost or are losing their hair and don't look as awesome as I do with a

When Todd Haley unplugs a USB drive, he does NOT safely remove it first.

This stretch of road is a joke. It runs from Tampa to Daytona and while it connects two towns (that you would not want to visit for long periods of time) it also cuts through Orlando...and this is where the issues start. With the theme parks, outlet malls, and everything else that draw guests to the sweat box that

A beer in the face is a common side-effect of being a ginger in public.

Everyday I read these wonderful pieces I feel like Drew needs to do some sort of series specifically on NFL owners, culminating with the worst in the league. The outright competition for that coveted spot would be epic.

I think pretty much everything does something for Anthony Weiner's horniness.

haha.. that's genius really

Denorfia shook it off pretty well, though. He attacked his postgame orange slices and Capri Sun with his usual gusto, and his mom even said he could go to Will's house for a pool party later.

Seriously, Sony, the price of the Vita was just fine. It's your fucking memory cards that have always needed to be lowered.

I'm not the one you should be telling that to—it's Mr. Thinks-he's-entitled-Dad up there.

Quick guide to eating weed in Florida:

What a player.