
Some peoples takes on how they define boring are funny. I think it's from style, engine and over all consumer perception. So pretty much something Toyota, the Avalon and Corolla at least now look better so gotta go good ole Camry.

Last years game against Oklahoma Holgersen just said fug it and gave him the ball as a tailback, he ran for nearly 300 yards. Just get him the damn ball Fisher!

I never had before, but with the most recent update to ios 7 I just rolled with it but changed it to only lock after 1 hour.

Who saves text threads that long? Even with a 64 gig phone I run a tight ship, auto delete at 200 or snipe some here and there. You'd be surprised how much memory gets tied up in long text threads over all your contacts.

Paid off my pre-order and traded in my ps3 yesterday, officially ready!!!

On paper I think it looks worse than it is, and I'm a Sony guy. Going next gen we should want quality over quantity and not the same old tired tracks, however day one paid DLC and future notions of it are hard to agree with. I want it though, because no matter what's missing they got the Top Gear guys back with

Been having a blast playing co-op with my 4 year old, all the Lego games are great to get the kiddos involved, as are karting games. On Wii U, he's on the gamepad and I get the whole TV and use a pro controller, amazing advantage over split screen.

Civics man, leased my wife a 2010 LX with a purchase price of $16,900, traded it in 3 years later for $12,500. We literally only changed the oil 3 times and put gas in semi-monthly - it was later on the lot $16,100.

Former sneakerhead, some of those player exclusive Jordans these kids get can fetch upwards of $1,000, so one can only hate the game, not the player IMO. I get they can't benefit, that's the rule, but they're selling used shoes.

Focus ST owner here, I recall putting 'total household' income on my paperwork, which puts us close to that average, but not for me as an individual. I think they've got us for another car in the future. Right now were a small family, boys are 1 and 4, so an ST and a Mazda5 are perfect. As we get bigger we both will

This car has future nice price or crack pipe written all over it.

Same exact take for me, it'd be #3 out of the 1st person shooters on next gen IMO.

I don't get this move, it's like they don't want to help the Wii U in sales at all. This only hurts it, especially with parents who don't know the difference and will just buy their kids the cheaper alternate with 1,000 times more games. Or maybe this is just a band aid as they admit they're losing money on the U, so

and if living in the state of Florida, it's mandatory.

This, I only had 3 die on me though. and fuck having dumped enough into xbox live already.

Experiences weird feeling in taint when looking down heights. WTF is that?

Still not worth me paying $300-$400 to replace my 16gig white iPad 2 with a newer 32gig model. Maybe next gen if more memory is standard and it has more RAM to take advantage of that sweet new processor.

Re VW: it's true, I decided this Summer I'm at the first and last point with a small family where I can own a GTI. Then I fell in love with the Focus ST, only beating out the WRX for it's newer design and better fuel economy. Had I been into tuning and tracking the car, it would have been the Subie in the garage and

I always expect a single player and base my purchase on it as well as a games multiplayer. It's what we're paying for, if everyone adopts the, 'I don't care about single player' attitude like you, we won't have them in FPS in the future.

Grabbed it on Vita and played a few hours on a trip this weekend, airports, plane, hotel - where having a Vita is amazing. I like it, but is it just me or does Batman feel too heavy? He's just slow and clunky feeling, hard enough that he's basically on rails, but no jump?! I know it's more linear, but he should move