
Some of the comments Alam makes about leaving out functions that Ps3 and Wii U have are based on their perceived success. Just like they back peddled on online only and used games, I assume if the Wii U actually sold well they would have done a second screen too. He calls it useless yet they are pushing Smartglass

I'm debating going from Apple back to Android but have a TON of itunes stuff and a wife who won't budge from her iphone. Keep in mind anything + from the itunes store is DRM free, so a simple drag and drop will have it on virtually any device. Older stuff is a different story.

Maaan f! GM, can't stand their horrible business decisions and while I'm not trying to start a debate, no way they should have been bailed out. You failed, be gone!

I dunno, still too much $$ goes to the badge IMO. Thought we were actually getting an affordable BMW that would be priced with the competition but at this point I'd rather take a Volt and pocket the $10k difference after rebates and incentives.

I hear ya but it's not like it's a car any 99% could afford. I just want to be able to afford, and have a chance to, purchase an R6 Avant one day....she will be mine, oh yes, she will.

Pass whatever it is you're smoking....

The stuff coming out of Russia cam is down right shocking. Last night I was behind a County Sheriff who pulled out of Chic Fil A then proceeded to drive as bad as a drunk driver while he, I assume, got down on some chicken and waffle fries. Would have loved to have it easily recorded. Once the tech has the

Well, I technically shouldn't buy a lot of the things I do, but it's part of being an early adopter. To us, price point and peoples perception of software availability are non-factors in the decision making process.

I think the key is 'attempted' to bring a girl to his room. So not only was he cocked blocked, but he got sent home for just trying. Rookie mistake, hit it in the car next time.

Too bad he didn't have Manny to cut it off for him

Winner and runner up were superb! The others were either great or kinda lame.

It's simple, with 1st party software. As a fanboy I'd think you'd realize that, started with Pikmin this month now there are solid 1st party games coming out monthly thru spring 2014. The 3ds had and still has the flaws of the Wii u, lower graphics and power compared to its competition, yet kills it with sales from

Just like the last few installments this game is an easy pass, EA doesn't deserve my money.

Sad to hear, love these cars. Remember when a buddy of mine used a lot of his settlement from an accident to buy the second model year, that car was truly an amazing piece of engineering. With that said, I can't believe people don't garage keep cars like this, even if they live in apartments and don't have a ton of

So maybe they had smoked a joint, how much more did they expect to find inside of their bodies? Maybe a few more grams, that's a misdemeanor. Going that far just doesn't make sense to me. But I don't see weed on the same level as other drugs so I assume the cops think hey they smoked weed there must be heroin inside

Thanks for this breakdown, I was thinking I could buy Madden, redeem my code using my current DirectTV set up and sell the game that I have no intention of playing. I'm not into watching NFL on a tablet or my Mac, it's on an HD big screen or bust! Guess I'll be forking over the usual $26 a month for returning

If you can afford a GT-R why not graduate out of the racer-boy mentality of tuning a car to be the fastest and just enjoy one of the baddest cars ever made, while still having the factory warranty.

I think it's the fact that he has experience with ACTUAL go karts and not just the Nintendo variety. Mom taught me to drive a manual transmission at 11 for "oh shit" situations like this, never happened though. Now at 32 I just hoon.

From a biblical standpoint it dates back to roots of "witchcraft" and goes against what god considers 'defiling' the body. I'm not spiritual at all, just looked it up on google. It'd be the same thing as why some don't recognize holidays that date back to pagans or do things like smoke that destroy your body.

My college roommate who is Indian got one of these tats in the 90's when the barb wire fad went out and these came in. He thought it was so hard looking and made him deep and all I thought was, you really don't know what that says and had it done at some random shop in NJ who doesn't either. Need to refer him to this