
Ha, I just posted that same article in another thread. People seem to have a misconception that Portland is a liberal utopia. (It may be very left-leaning, but it has a hell of a racist past AND present.)

According to my friend who was born and raised in Portland, this is not new. As someone else noted, Oregon famously banned black people from living or working there back when they first became a state in the 1800s. Portland was a big KKK stronghold. The hippie thing is the more recent thing, but there’s always been a

Yeah I have friends in Portland and they tell me there’s still a strong white supremacist element around. It was a big KKK stronghold in the past. 

Oh my god this is amazing. I’ve never seen this! “Boom. Bam. Bop. Badabop boom. Pow.”

Yeah, this is some tiresome apologia bullshit right here. Sometimes after someone goes deep into apologia I start thinking well yes, it’s important that we allow people to evolve and change and update their views with the times... and then I think no wait, all of that is bullshit. Men have always been capable of

Now playing

I mean it makes sense that 90s babies tend to have little exposure to 90s music... most people aren’t all that into following current music as small children. They may have had some exposure if their parents were really into current music but that’s always a bit different. Being born a decade before you, 90s music was

She just seems so lovely, and so nice and grateful to her fans.

Damn, you’re right. I didn’t see that. So not only did they go into the wrong half of a duplex, they used a flash grenade probably just to be more exciting for the TV show it was all being filmed for, disregarded the fact that they had been told there were children in the house (and there were children’s toys in the

Wow. I didn’t know this story. It’s horrifying. And yet, somehow not shocking at all that the terrible excuse for a human being who shot this child walked free and is apparently still a cop. 

Goddamn this is a good response. 

It varies hugely based on city/town. An unpaid meter in Boston is usually $40, but just down the street in Cambridge it’s $20. 

Huh? Masshole here. I’ve never heard “paid on a parking ticket.” Seems like bizarre phrasing to me, but I’ll grant that it’s probably common usage somewhere. Not here though. 

Breastfeeding was a trip. I was topless a whole lot around the house actually, because after dealing with a poor latch, mastitis, and thrush, my nipples were so sore and torn up that having anything against them sucked. But then letdowns would happen, and I’d have about 30 seconds from that painful twinge to find

I thought of Lea Delaria too, but good call on Andy Serkis.

Agreed on all counts.

I believe that may have been my criteria for seeing movies when I was a young teen - “I will see this because X is in it.” I had grown out of that phase before graduating high school.

Honestly my first thought seeing the picture of Gill was Lea DeLaria. Still a cis woman, but at least butch and the right frame for it. Johansson is totally out of left field.

The wording is vague here, but as reported elsewhere, this was a quote by Johansson, relayed by her rep:

Absolutely - if we never give small time trans actors a chance, how the hell can we expect them to break into the industry?

Exactly. And people get shouty and weird on the internet too, so a lot of the times when the issue of gun control comes up around here and people start shouting at each other, all nuance gets lost. There are absolutely ways of supporting gun rights and control, especially stuff that everyone should support like