
I don’t understand how people are calling this type of stuff uncivil. She was extremely civil. Disagreeing with people and confronting people is not uncivil. (Especially when you’re disagreeing with them ruining the planet and people’s lives, but that’s sort of beside the point.)

For some reason it wasn’t the easiest thing to search, but here is a piece that gathered a list of immigrant bail funds in a bunch of different states, so please take a look here if you want to find a local bail fund! (List is at the end of the article.)

Ocasio-Cortez gives me such hope, along with Ayanna Pressley and so many other great progressive candidates that are rising up from this mess.

Yeah, this is kinda what I was getting at too. It’s actually a little tough to say how bad this is without knowing how many kids we’re talking about. If there’s like 3 minority kids, it might not be the dumbest idea to keep them together. But the way this reads, the implication is that there’s a class full or almost

Thank you for taking me on a journey with that comment. 

Definitely. Gun rights/control/safety is a really interesting topic in that I don’t think political leaning should have any bearing on your stance, but the two have gotten conflated as politics have gotten more and more divisive. I’m a liberal gun owner who firmly believes in gun rights, as well as gun control. I

Are people somehow reading my post as endorsing this shit? I am not.

Thank you. Jesus. Let’s respond to Republican dirty tactics by disenfranchising voters ourselves? Fuck no, that’s a horrible idea.

There could be some twisted truth in there. There are benefits to minority kids having other minority kids around, people who share their experience. It can be difficult to be the only one from your background. This is VERY different from saying people should ONLY be around others of the same race. Research has shown

Oh, I’m not saying the conservatives aren’t to blame. Republican politicians have been a big part of the problem. Not only did they screw up public health, they’ve been stirring the shit with their voters for several decades now too, preying on their fears and biases to get votes. But the problem is bigger than just

You of course have the right to your experience, and to sharing that. But I wish you wouldn’t publicly “cringe” to see other people celebrate their experience. It’s a personal thing, and it’s going to be different for different people.

I think it makes sense to bring up in any conversation about women’s rights, or about your past. I think it’ll be good for your son to see how normal it is, and take some of the stigma away. So many women feel like they can never talk about their abortions because it’s so stigmatized, and it doesn’t help.

Yeah... I’m not sure that’s the right solution. I mean, I guess I’d rather teachers have pepper spray than guns, but how about we don’t arm teachers at all and instead focus on having less homicidal maniacs with guns around?

We do require licensure for guns... It’s the demonstrating competency part that doesn’t exist now and should. And I’d argue that both for guns and for vehicles, people should have to routinely take tests and demonstrate competency every few years. 

YES. I can’t imagine why anyone who supports gun ownership would disagree with you. Gun safety training is a requirement for getting a license in my state, but crisis training is an optional advanced course that I think should be a requirement too. And they should be federal requirements, not just in states like Mass.

Thing is, whether or not he’s right wing, he’s still a symptom of our society being sick. Hatred, ignorance, and violence are just generally on the rise. Trumpism is just one symptom of that.

As a counterpoint though, I actually think it could be a positive thing that we’re seeing a shift towards less experienced politicians. Obviously, it can go horribly wrong (Trump), but this looks like a very different case. Trump was pandering, and badly, to the lowest common denominator. He said shit that people

Really, dog shit is more useful than them too because at least it feeds the flies. This is why I’m a big fan of “douche” and its varieties as an insult - truly useless things.

This is lovely, thank you for sharing. The more I learn about Terry Crews, the more I realize what a wonderful man he is. Good for him for using his voice.