
Oh come on. This is the same bullshit about people not being able to care about more than one thing at a time. Are you actually going to pretend there haven’t been a hundred articles on Jezebel in the last week covering Kennedy retiring, immigrant concentration camps, recent terrible SCOTUS decisions, etc...? Then ONE

Honestly, I think a SCOTUS seat is one of our biggest concerns and we cannot afford to let him push through another Gorsuch. We can’t worry that obstructing *might* increase the amount of Republicans going to the polls. I feel like the Dems have made far too many concessions thinking “well but maybe if we obstruct

Yeah you're really showing your whole ass here now, also talking about how those uppity minorities got mad when you were talking shit about a black man. 

Ohh I get it now. You’re just a shitty person. Good luck with that.

Do you want a cookie? Good for you for recognizing what’s happening is shitty. But we’re talking about how you, as a man, cannot possibly care about women’s rights the way that women do. We’re talking about how people are scared and pissed off and yes, using hyperbole, and you got your feelings hurt so you felt the

I think some of it probably is. Both people who vote for the least bad opponent, and some who vote for the opponent that they think they can beat most easily (aka sabotage). And that would align with people voting for Bernie probably too, since plenty of people on the right were welcoming Bernie as a candidate because

Fucking thank you. I’m so sick of bullshit like this from supposed allies, derailing people’s anger to make shit all about them.

You do you, but don’t come in here and pretend you’re an ally then. I’m done with protecting men’s feelings by silencing women’s righteous anger.

Hell yes. We need more of this. We don’t just need reliably liberal voters who get paid by corporations, we need true representation of us as a people. We should expect more. (And honestly, I think there should be more turnover of our reps - it’s too hard to stay in politics for a really long time and not get jaded,

Even if this is partner violence, you should still feel responsibility. Why do you think there’s so much domestic violence and date rape with respect to trans people? In large part it’s because our culture devalues and dehumanizes them. This is a human problem, a cultural problem, and we’re all responsible for helping

You’re right, but you know the republicans don’t agree.

YES. Now we’re talking. The dems need to get with the fucking program and figure out how to obstruct the way the republicans have for the last fucking decade. Enough with this high road bullshit. You don’t win taking the high road against the fucking Nazis.

Not exactly. Yes, voting is absolutely our main way to fight, and we need to focus right now on midterms. Please, everyone, consider donating your time to get people registered and motivated to vote.

Not if she had retired right after Obama got his second term. It would have been much harder for them to obstruct for four full years. But yes, it wouldn’t have been wise for her to do it in his last year given how absurd the Republicans got.

I think she’s got more of a long view than that. She knows retiring under a conservative president (and a batshit crazy one at that) would do serious damage to the balance of the court in the future. I think she cares about her legacy more than that.

I’m so scared that’s where we’re headed. Honestly scared. I’m donating and about to start some volunteer work, going to rallies, etc. But is it enough? Will it be? I don’t know. I honestly said to my husband last week that I wondered if we should be traveling to Texas to protest outside these concentration camps.

I love it. Made me tear up a little actually. I love seeing so many people standing up to run for office and fight all this bullshit.

This is an interesting piece though, and it makes some important points being left out in this discussion.

I largely agree with you, though I think gay people are actually relatively safe at the moment - most of the country is actually ok with homosexuality at this point. Hell, most of the country loves upper/middle class white gay men. Devout conservative Christians are outliers. (Trans people and gender nonconforming

I’m doing it. It’s time. I can hardly focus on work anyway with how terrible the news has gotten.