
Listen here duder. Don’t come in here and #NotAllMen all over this thread. I don’t care if you’re “one of the good ones” - it’s a shitty move. People have a right to their anger right now, and if you hear them complaining about straight white men and you think to yourself “but I’m not like that!” then shut up and

Yeah... this is weird. I guess they’re covering it because she tweeted it, but it should have been a cute footnote on the article, not the main point.

The democrats need to pull out every single stop to try to get it delayed if we’re going to have any shot at all. It’ll still be a slim chance we can do anything about it, but better than nothing?

I mean, people’s tastes vary and not everyone is going to like everything, even on repeated tastings.

Wait, in the water in the toilet bowl? Thereby putting everyone else’s poop bacteria that’s used the toilet onto his butt?

Seems like you’re missing an important panel in the middle:

I was having a bad day yesterday, and that reply was unnecessarily rude of me. Sorry about that. 

Yeah that comment wasn't to you... 

It’s literally a song of hers... please feel free to google it.

Yeah, I’m gonna say nope on that one.

Uh, did you really just say Cher is unproblematic? “Half Breed” Cher?

I agree with your broader point about morality necessarily never being absolute. However, I think this piece is a bad place to be debating that.

Absolutely, there were many reasons that it made sense for them to stay, but also the data doesn’t show what she’s claiming it shows. Is she looking at the same data when declaring “every decade there is an increase in free blacks in the South as opposed to in the North”? The data shows it increased in both places

I’d say it depends. People like this lady are too far gone, definitely. But I think there are others who were sold the rationalizations from childhood in their “history” books, who sometimes just need a bit of a wake-up call. But I also think you can tell very quickly whether someone is a true believer or just

Thing is, 27% is way too popular for people supporting kids being put in fucking concentration camps. No, it wasn’t “popular”, but that’s a shockingly large minority of people who supported a horrifying human rights violation.

The government can stop doing damage to future families, but they can’t undo what’s been done. These kids are going to carry permanent trauma for the rest of their lives. There’s been a lot of comparison to the US Japanese internment camps - and we know that kids that spent time in these camps grew up to have more

I really hope there are more like you out there. I remember there being a time in the not so distant past where I disagreed with Republicans, but was still capable of respecting them. They could be people with whom I had differences of opinion about state services and the economy.

You know what? I don’t give one single shit if the situation was just as bad under Obama and Clinton. (I also don’t believe it was, but that’s really beside the point.) It’s horrifying, and wrong, and it needs to be fixed NOW. I don’t care if you have these feelings about how poor Trump is being so unfairly blamed for

I’m a big proponent of being endlessly respectful to people handling your food, but I don’t think you need to take this to the conclusion that you can never complain about anything. If you get a read and think your server might be a shitty person, yeah, don’t send food back because it might not come back clean. But

This is a very good note and I think fills in any remaining gaps in the story.