For anyone looking, the episode in question is called “General Chapman’s Last Stand”:
For anyone looking, the episode in question is called “General Chapman’s Last Stand”:
Yes! I would love if we could actually have a real conversation on a national level about the idea of open borders without people immediately laughing it off the table. People have this weird fear that open borders means everyone in the whole world would suddenly come rushing into the US and they’d all be unemployed…
I’m sorry, on reflection my comment reads totally wrong. I didn’t mean that because this is very clearly an offensive sign by a manager who has a problem with people speaking other languages. I was just trying to say that on top of that, it’s odd phrasing.
This is a really excellent point, and something I’ll have to bring up next time I argue with someone about this. (It seems to be happening a lot these days...) I’ll have to look up the podcast, thanks for the recommendation.
Holly resigned after presumably being encouraged to do so. I believe it was called a “mutual” decision. The Starbucks CEO also met with the two guys to get their recommendations on how to address these issues (and I assume paid them out some). They also revised their policy so now it’s an actual written policy that…
So yeah, in all likelihood this idiot is lying his head off. He’s certainly not credible in any way. But really what he claims Harry said isn’t all that unlikely. The royals are supposed to be politically neutral, so it would make sense that his public opinion on both Trump and Brexit would be “we’ll see”.
“Shouting” is definitely a weird detail. The sign is offensive regardless, but if I were a manager, I wouldn’t like to hear that employees were shouting in any language.
They’re not one that I looked into previously. Looking them over briefly now, I’d say their financials seem decent. They don’t break it down for you easily in a financial report, but looking over their IRS 990 filing for last year, if I’m reading it correctly, it looks like 91% of their revenue went to “grants and…
Thank you for sharing that! SPLC does good work, so I’m not surprised they have a specific program for this.
Glad to share! I think sometimes it’s easy to get overwhelmed when looking into charities, so I always appreciate when people have short lists of recommendations.
This is actually an interesting graph in that 2009 data was aligned between democrats and republicans, but it had started to diverge by 2014.
Definitely! Donating time can often be more useful than money anyway.
Yes and no. I agree that part of the problem with this shit is that people are burying their heads in the sand because they don’t want to think about or talk about it. However, there are also those of us who try to stay informed, who are horrified by the news, who are helping in whatever ways we feel we can (I posted…
I keep posting this list but I found several charities I’ve been researching who seem like they’re doing their best to help. I’ve spent some time on this and found several organizations who have good financials devoting most of their funds to programs (rather than their own management and fundraising costs).
I mean, there’s also the fact that we’re all animals. The use of the word animal to somehow mean less than human, deserving of scorn, is not only confusing because it implies we should be mistreating non-human animals, it’s also confusing because humans are animals.
And then with addiction you have the criminality on top of that.
I’m always shocked when people tell me they have no personal connection to addiction or mental illness, and automatically assume they’re lying. But I think there’s still enough stigma around both issues that many people don’t talk about it (or alternately, people refuse to listen or acknowledge when they do), and as a…
I bring up this show constantly.
Whoa, yeah, I had no idea about this. The whole top part of this article I was just thinking, eh, he kinda sounds like just an irritating and out-of-touch famous person. But that’s a seriously gross stunt that demonstrates a total lack of empathy.
Yes! I had forgotten about this and it’s always good for a laugh.