
This is a good summary.

The scary part is that they AREN’T sociopaths. They have no fucking excuse - they’re just racists. And they carry so much hatred and fear towards immigrants that they think the ends justify the means (because they’ve somehow been convinced that these completely inhumane tactics are going to stop immigration, despite

God this is so horrifying. How the hell is this happening right now.

Good link for a primer on what was wrong with the water, but it’s odd and disappointing that the piece ends by claiming the water is now safe again. It’s a bold claim to say it’s safe and just as good as other cities. It’s going to be a while before anyone can say that with a good level of confidence. All that damage

Do it anyway! That’s what it’s there for. Or you could do it in batches if you really think it’ll piss them off.

The Boston subway card machines give them out as change if you pay in cash. It’s infuriating. I remember when they first installed them and not knowing, I put in a $20 to buy my pass, and got something like 17 of those fuckers back (I don’t remember what fares were then). It was like I had won a slot machine.

Do yourself a favor and turn it into cash so you’ll spend it. Coinstar type machines take a cut I think, but you can get rolls at the bank and cash them in there for no charge. I find sorting change into rolls soothing, because I’m weird like that.

I don’t know that they can never get the message though. The story about the white Brazilian students using the word devoid of context, to mean a black person, is similar to one I have about my husband’s Argentine relatives. His cousin, who was about to be moving to the US for college, was telling us excitedly about a

Definitely. I didn’t feel like a mom until the baby was born, because really I don’t think I was. Sure, the baby was in there and the day before he was born he was basically the same as he was when he was born (sort of... I imagine the moments after birth are a flood of new sensory info that really affect the brain),

Yes, thank you. The real story here is the one she was covering about families being ripped apart by the very party who claims to support “family values”.

It actually sounds like their entire point was to illustrate “garbage in, garbage out.” Per their site:

Good for you. It’s difficult and sometimes emotionally exhausting work to better yourself, but therapy, socializing, and exercising are all great steps. (Ones I should be doing more of too.) Please ignore the asshole. There are plenty of lonely people in the world that aren’t violent or misogynistic and aren’t

Agreed, most people in these horrible misogynist incel communities are probably beyond saving. But I think the point of stuff like this piece and the Love Not Anger group is to get to people before they reach that point. Some men are headed down that path regardless because they’re shitty human beings. Others start

Apples do keep longer in the fridge though. Apples will last up to a week at room temp, but they can last a month in the fridge.

Also what is your obsession with the idea that makeup has lead in it? That’s... not a thing. At least not with current-day regulations and standards.

I think it’s possible your heart is in the right place here, but please take a step back and consider that you’re judging women for doing what they feel they need to do in order to succeed in a patriarchy that determines women’s worth foremost on looks. Beyond that, whatever a woman’s initial reasons for putting on

I agree that it’s absurd to judge a women on whether or not she wears makeup, as if wearing makeup is some sort of deceptive tactic, and women get judged for not wearing makeup too. But I will add that I do find I experience patriarchal beauty standards differently as a woman who is a scientist. I don’t wear makeup

It is a fascinating obit. There’s so much to this story left unsaid and I wouldn’t presume to know much about the people involved based on it. I do find it interesting that so many people in here are quick to jump in insisting that because she abandoned her children at 24, she must have been a completely irredeemable

Please take care of yourself, and try to reach out to someone in a way that feels safe to you. Often regular doctor’s offices can be good resources for this sort of stuff too, and can refer to you to other people who can help, so you can talk to them when you go in for a checkup.

That’s a fair point - new series are a very different thing. And I agree that the Sulu thing was odd, that they seemingly did it because of Takei but didn’t listen when he said he disagreed with it.