We value objects and money above all else.
We value objects and money above all else.
I’d love to see a bigger analysis of this, because I can think of plenty of white gay characters. I do think they tend to convert minor characters over main characters, and minor characters are also more likely to be POC. But the new Star Trek show had a gay white main character - though his husband, a more minor…
There’s also the bonus that since the populace isn’t armed police don’t shoot people. They can’t argue they feared for their lives given how unlikely it would be for anyone to have a gun.
I really enjoy their lattes, and an occasional frappucino as a treat on a hot day, but I’m no coffee snob. Their normal brews do tend to taste burnt to me. They also have pretty good pastries.
The situation has gone from horrible to mindblowingly horrible, and I thought I should share the list of charities I’ve been researching who seem like they’re doing their best to help. I’ve spent some time on this and found several organizations who have good financials devoting most of their funds to programs (rather…
I agree that this is armed robbery and that’s a little different than the framing of “stealing shoes”, but you hit the nail on the head that “Juveniles need treatment and help, not punishment.”
I never heard that was the reason they shot people. I do remember hearing back in the day that they asked some kids that before shooting them, but it was more as something to say to sound intimidating and threatening - the answer didn’t matter. I remember some armchair psychologists also talking about at least one of…
Yep. Politicians shouldn’t be in office for decades, because they tend to get out of touch.
28 years old isn’t too young as far as I’m concerned. I work with plenty of fresh-out-of-college scientists who are younger than her and brilliant. She seems mature enough. And people have to start in politics somewhere. If this were a race I was voting in, I’d do my research on what she’s proposing for policies and…
I mean, I loved it. The ending got a little silly maybe, but overall I found it entertaining and addictive. And the music was so great. I have a tough call picking a favorite among Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil. (Daredevil definitely has the most entertaining action scenes.)
Except they did do that too. Their new company policy is that customers are defined as anyone who walks in (regardless of whether they purchase anything), and they’re allowed to spend time and use the bathroom whether they buy or not. Some things like watching porn or panhandling can still get you kicked out, but not…
Yeah, it’s a shame coconut milk doesn’t have much to offer for nutrition, because it’s very tasty. And coconut ice cream is so good!
Yeah, I’m not really interested in watching an entire 1hr 42min podcast just to understand in broad strokes whether your concerns on GMOs are based in science or fear mongering.
I have heard people say the phytoestrogen/cancer link has been “debunked” and then read journal articles still making claims about it, so I thought it was still a bit up in the air, but I’ll defer to your expertise since it’s not my area of research. Maybe more of what I’ve read recently is about hormone mimicking and…
Yeah see, I don’t believe in Christianity so I think that’s part of our difference of opinion here. I think people who rely on morality coming from fear of god punishing them is what gets our society into a lot of trouble.
It is, but regardless, soy (along with corn) does make up a big part of monocultures in this country, mostly due to government mismanagement of agriculture subsidies. Soy and corn make their way into almost all of our processed foods. There are also potential concerns about soy mimicking estrogen and possibly being…
I am trying to figure out what about this idea upsets me so much, and I think it’s this: what did it take for these men to suddenly “realize” what constitutes harassment? It took men starting to be held accountable. It took consequences, punishment. You cannot tell me that these men were never told off by women for…
Yes. Yes. Yes. This.
It’s not a bad start to engage in tough conversations, but please also do lots of your own research. Internet resources are readily available on feminism and microaggressions and gaslighting and rape culture, you name it. Don’t rely on the women in your life to be the ones responsible for educating you. You seem like…
This can’t be said enough. Men are not assholes due to biology - they’re assholes because they grow up in a society that tells them they can and should be assholes and will not face any consequences for it - that actually, being an asshole is a preferred trait.