0:13 and 0:21 are the first two I see.
0:13 and 0:21 are the first two I see.
Love seeing old asshole Cardinals fans yelling at him like he's a jerk or something. The guy just took a 99 MPH fastball to the wrist (not the first time it's happened this season . . . or this month). Jesus Christ.
Haha, right on. I'm right there with you on the design of Boeing versus Airbus. And yeah, I don't think he actually thinks they're "scary" - I think it might be a funny bit of his patriotism showing. Thanks for replying!
I realize this is a long-shot, but Paul, you seem to be quite the aviation expert - so I'm going to ask you, (and I realize you might not answer, that's cool) do you have a "preference" between the Boeing 7xx and the AirBus? I'm just curious; my dad was an aircraft mechanic (never actually worked for Boeing, but he…
Ah yeah, didn't hear it the first time but definitely did the second time.
#tybp #thankyoubasedpuig
Thank you so much
God damn, Drew. This article was like Chicken Soup for My Fucked Up Soul. A couple of the quotes you have in there describe me all too well, especially "Sure, the kid will learn to hate everything, but at least she'll be fucking competitive." Not to get weird/sappy, but I identified with that quote way too much. I…
Sooth Afreeken rap, dude. It's pretty awesome, although nowadays I need to kinda be in the mood for it.
Damn. From one Drew to another, great article. Entirely true.
There's no way he's fat. Kobe is absolutely insane. Even if he is fat, by season's start he'll be Super Saiyan Kobe again - remember that year he was so damn muscular he couldn't move as fast as he normally did, and he had to lose weight? That shit was crazy. I love Kobe.
They make minimum wage plus tips in California. It's why I only tip well for good service.
One of the best parts about soccer/football: the mind games.