Oh they're not waiting till after the midterms.
Oh they're not waiting till after the midterms.
So let’s see, in the last 2 days at the SCOTUS.......
APAL - all politics are local
I suspect they thought you were with the FAA or the airplane manufacturer doing some kind of field check.
Oh for Christ’s sake, there is no good reason for a passenger to read the airworthiness certificate. Just stop it. They probably moved you to first class because they thought you were a crazy person and they wanted to keep a closer eye on you.
Could not agree more. Some of the stops were nice, but overall the road to hana was a wasted day. And Kauai is horrible, tell all your friends not to go there :-)
Exactly. FWIW I think this is a troll article, but Obama should not be front and center for the reason you state. AND because the Dems need to stop being lazy and find/create new exciting leadership. They can’t use Obama as a crutch forever.
Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.
Winner, winner, three-course child-free dinner.
Correct. No one has more cause to hate this asshole or the one he works for more than her, but she is, despite her many flaws as a candidate, nonetheless a patriot.
It absolutely is. She doesn’t have the privilege of deciding not to take a call from the guy who is going to be the chief diplomat of the United States—a position she once held. The department has been dismantled over the last 15 months. If called on for advice, it is absurd that anybody would expect (let alone want)…
The more I learn about these nutritional studies, the more I think you’re onto something. “There is a statistically significant correlation between consumption of food X and development of disease Y for this small, highly homogeneous, group of humans we studied” becomes “Eating X causes/prevents Y” which becomes…
They can still hold out again in 3 weeks if they don’t receive what was promised. At least they got CHIP funded out of this. That’s one less bargaining piece (as disgusting as it sounds) the GOP has 3 weeks from now.
Yeah, less than a year before the incident - THAT makes a huge difference. Ignoramus indeed - pot, kettle, black.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch headlines:
Not in the South.
Turkey is only okay, but ham is the worst kind of pork. If those are the only two options, stick with the bird for tradition’s sake. But, really, maybe some roast beef or something would be nice.
Huh, I can’t imagine walking on egg shells like that. In my family, I can simply say, “No thanks, I don’t like sweet potatoes” and nobody gives a fuck. And before someone says, “Well, that’s your OWN family, you’d never say that to someone else”, I say it to my in-laws all the time. I like Mac and Cheese, but I don’t…
Who is giving 10% of their monthly income to a make believe sky fairy (tithe)? Are these people insane?