
I was one of the people whose debt was forgiven with the help of this organization! I got a letter in the mail about two weeks ago, and thought it was total bullshit at first. Very grateful for this. I’m in North Carolina, though, and the debt was incurred in Phoenix, so I don’t think this organization works

Illinois here. Vote by mail is awesome.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Pequod’s FTW.  Side note: my wife is from Peoria and we had a very strange conversation when she claimed “monocles” were from Central Illinois; I had misheard Monical’s.

I’m just gonna post this here in anticipation of anyone who thinks that getting a flu shot isn’t important.

When I think back to before November 8, 2016 and all the so-called progressives who, if you mentioned the Supreme Court or courts in general as a reason to vote for Clinton, just sneered and said they refused to be bullied into voting for Clinton by fear mongering about the courts, I’m just sad. Not even angry. It’s

As much as I agree the fact remains that in order for January 2019 to begin with Majority Leader Schumer and Democrats in charge of every Senate committee (and all the ensuing powers), Joe Manchin needs to win in West Virginia. The 2018 primaries are long over, so it’s too late to replace him.

Places I would not order a cake: Homophobe bakery that is FAMOUS for being homophobic.

I’m in the ‘stop trying to give this intolerant p.o.s. any of your money’ camp.

Having just experienced a cancelled flight with Southwest they will do the following. First not inform you of the cancellation for a couple of hours after it is made. Their system will not update correctly and even though the flight shows canceled on the flight status you will have to wait as seats on other flights

Yes, you sure showed Jerry O’Connell...what an egregious thing he did. That name was so terrible. /s

Both Trump and Obama weren’t on the radars of most of America before they announced. This is a fun game but means nothing. Joe Biden won’t be the nominee but he is an effective strawman till after the midterms.

I hate to be a killjoy about this, but I’m having a really hard time finding joy in this stuff anymore. Like, I feel like those of us on the left keep celebrating stuff like this and that new Sacha Baron Cohen show, acting like they’re big victories. We’ve got a funny balloon, the right has the presidency, congress,

James Woods, like many who share his opinions, suffers from a severe case of persecution complex. In his mind, he's nailing himself to a cross. He's completely oblivious to his agent's burn

Nah, he is cultivating himself as a victim, because liberals are the big bads.  We don’t like free speech, etc, etc, I need to lay down.

Yes, but that’s still subject to exactly the same math that the post to which you’re responding noted.

That would be fine in fantasy land where there was more than a simple majority vote required.

I get it. We’re all frustrated. But what exactly do you want Schumer to do here?

Shrug, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sure as hell wouldn’t be winning with her policies in Alabama, just like Sen. Doug Jones would be rejected in her solid, progressive blue district in New York. It’s not that hard—run the senate or congressional candidate that fits the district/region (much of CA could go far left,