Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
This franchise is what you get after a Disney ride impregnates the Saints.
God I wish Gorka would fuck off, if only because he likes to play up his British Army bullshit “oh I was in a super secret Intel unit who hunted down the IRA”.
Supporters of the name think they’re not racist because they saw Dances with Wolves in the theater.
There’s nothing anyone can say about the city of Philadelphia that Bill Burr didn’t cover in his infamous 12 minute attack on a philly audience.
I know you’re just joshing a bit but I will say that I like Heavy Rain quite a bit. To the point where I tend to forgive some of the structural issues other people have re: plot holes and such. But as I look back on it now that I’m older and a bit more aware, I can definitely spot other issues that really drag it…
It’s okay if you don’t come visit us, we don’t really want to be here either.
Jared Kushner will be frustrated. He had “fixing the opioid epidemic” on his to-do list for Wednesday afternoon (between “defeat ISIS” at 11:30 AM and “renegotiate NAFTA” by 1:15 PM.) now he’ll have to find something else to do for that hour and a half.
UPDATE: Jared Kushner has just been named Unofficial Secretary of Bitchin’ Music Festivals and will be partnering with McFarland to make next year’s Fyre the hugest and most tremendous festival ever, much bigger than Coachella. It’ll put the Spling in your Magnises. From Wiki:
I’m sure most of his dates with her start with him blowing her up and patching any leaks she developed after he shoved her between the mattress ans boxspring after their last date.
Why the fuck can’t united Airlines just keep have kept upping the reimbursement until people started to volunteer. And offer cash. Who gives a shit any of that would have been better than this.
I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.
This is a really great AND original insult! Well done +100000000000000
Saw the pic and was all like: He’s marrying Rachel Dolezal?
Young servo was NOT wise with her credit cards
God I remember when Jenna first came on board at J Crew and it was genuinely awesome and fashion-forward-ish there for a while. I even got an ill-advised J. Crew credit card during that era.