SkyLine Chili, along with Primanti Bros., are the two most over-rated local foods OF ALL TIME!!!!
SkyLine Chili, along with Primanti Bros., are the two most over-rated local foods OF ALL TIME!!!!
I wonder if Ellen asked about his administration’s lack of response to Katrina and if he cares about black people. She’s from Louisiana and might have some things to bring up or point out.
Well, Sean McVay was on their staff for two years, so presumably they are going to hire his barista at Starbucks or the person who picks up his dry cleaning.
I stayed in East Nashville when I was there, the hipster area where people who aren’t cool enough for Williamsburg go with their shitty band. Every bartender is a former sound guy who looks like the sixth member of The Strokes.
Ha! I too was in in Dewey Beach last week. That shitty donut spot, the Fractured Prune, has a few Redskins stuff around. I did that math, Philadelphia is closer, then Baltimore, then D.C.
I tell this insight often when on this Dolan posts. I did some freelance coding work for the Knicks a couple of years ago. The offices are the most depressing thing you’ve ever seen. It makes the office in The Office look like paradise. There are a few posters (Patrick Ewing, Carmello) not even in frames, but placed…
The NY Giants just added the cow to the 90-man roster. Gettleman was in full loom .... love
Face it, Deadspin writers. You miss the glory of the Philadelphia Eagles winning last year. Horse poop, greased polls, inflatable penis dolls, big dick nick memes, spreading ashes, the Fuck Tomb, the guy running into the subway poll, everything Jason Kelce.
I do cold brew all the time, and the cheap stuff works the best. My go-to us Target Archer Farms whole beans, so you can grind to your specification.
I do cold brew all the time, and the cheap stuff works the best. My go-to us Target Archer Farms whole beans, so you…
Donald Trump is the Gregg Williams of presidents.
I thought the same thing, it’s like when you get automated replies to online complication. “Hey look, they’re interested!”
I think the whole SI article should have been a quiz of the Vikings front and back office asking if they know if the QB’s name is Kirk, Curt or Kurt.
He looks like a cuckold and his wife is liking it.
Just had a 30 minutes dissertation on this, I don’t think he could even catch an unhanded thrown baseball. He crumpled during the 2016 campaign when somebody got near him.
Then end with ..... a long pause ....
Well, this is on brand. I’m surprised he didn’t blame Hilary for changing the Hurricane’s path to hit Puerto Rico and Trey Gowdy didn’t blame her decisions in Benghazi for the hurricane.
Whaaaaat? A whole Pittsburgh Steelers post without mentioning Primanti Bros.? The asshole of regional sandwiches?
Ugh, Atlanta, had to go for business. I was there on a Saturday morning around 9am, and the highway traffic getting around was like a Monday morning rush hour. I get to downtown, and there’s not a damn soul around except homeless people.