
This is definitely an odd choice especially from a story perspective. if you are playing the games as a trilogy you are basically going to see your characters go from over-powered death machines to struggling to fight a moogle...twice. That’s just weird.


While i get the excitement there is no way the success of the movie has to do with all the mario games. These were well into development long before April because thats how game development works.

I love when someone tries to make something look equal when it isn’t.

Or put the money towards retrofitting the chargers with NACS. At least then drivers can keep an adapter in their vehicles to use when the CCS1 port is broken.

Honestly no notes, that was an amazing showcase. If they still have great games coming down the pipe then the switch 2 can wait.

I didn't even know there was a sequel. I picked up trace memory from the clearance rack at target for $5, really enjoyed it but just assumed that since it was on clearance for $5 it must not have done well enough for a sequel.

While true i like to explore all the nooks and crannies and that is way harder without a map

I really liked this episode, I do feel like we are missing some kind of prequel story of what Ahsoka was doing after Rebels after she finally confirmed that Vader was Anakin. As her personality at the start of the series is different to what she was in rebels and in clone wars. It’s like Filoni wrote a season of

It’s more that there is a learning curve to EVs as they work differently and Hertz shouldn’t be renting EVs unless they are providing proper information to drivers and properly charging the vehicle. if an ICE rental is at less than 50% gas Hertz protocol is to fill the tank but apparently they are not applying that

yeah announcing it all the week after a massive crypto bank went belly up was amazing timing.

Buckets on heads! what a great find!

Generally most states have blanket negligence laws for this sort of thing. This is because for the longest time the defense for failing to do the bare minimum was “the law doesn’t say we have to” so laws were past that amount to “we don’t have a law about a particular issue but the company knew it was a problem and

The problem with autonomous tech is that there is an expectation of perfect logic when our rules are illogical. There was a big hubbub about FSD rolling through stop signs if no one is there but the fact is that complete stops are so rare at stop signs since most people just slow roll through them so long as they have

They did inch in the right direction a couple years back when they made F2P games have free multiplayer on xbox. wish Nintendo would follow suit.

The maps are the big one for me. indoors especially can get confusing and on the surface the surface map is just useless. it would not be hard to generate a visual map minecraft does it dynamically ffs.

4th: The problem is that without being able to sell vehicles in California a lot of makes are going to obviously put less emphasis on ICE vehicle production which republicans don’t want. The problem is they really have no option on the matter because California has an alternative nuclear option in that they can simply

it’s a decent list.

Square Enix has a massive issue of being blind to the market. any other publisher in the world would have been over the moon at the success of GoTG and Outriders but instead square gave those titles expectations well above what would be reasonable because they needed that money to keep being funneled into the money

Somewhere along the line, the equation changed. Maybe the price of soda went up, or maintenance on the machines, or they found a better use of space where the machine is, or something else entirely. But whatever it was, I bet it is now cheaper for them to pay employees to do it.”