
The thing is that likely the DLSS3 version would have been released for free by the modder eventually. it’s pretty normal for patreon supported modders to put their mods up on patreon first and then release widely afterwards.

And yeah the fact that some people have this wild idea that because it’s a modification to

Glad to see it expanding out of the walled Sony garden, hoefully we start seeing xbox ports eventually as well. I don’t personally play FF games but people should be able to access 3rd party titles as widely as possible. (I tried FFXV as I got the royale edition at meijer for $7.50 which I might try again at some

I’m sorry but a list of great anime/ gaming youtubers that doesn’t include Mother’s Basement is a failed list.

The two things I wanted so see, respecing the skill tree and a boost to the level cap. I got caught innthe gotcha of not realizing that there even was a level cap which locked the top crafting and other skills because I put a few points into cool instead of min maxing. I have not played since as I wanted to adjust

Hell yes.  I am not a fan of LoL but Arcane is an exception and a damn good show.

You do realize Tesla makes the batteries as well right? And it is not like you can just toss a bunch of cells unto the casing willy nilly. They need support and heat dissipation designed and crafted for the lower number of cells. That takes time and money while a software lock is easy as shit.

Except that battery pack needs different tooling, and they need to order materials and store them which would be at a smaller scale than if they just used the bigger packs so volume discounts go down. there are a lot of factors that go into it beyond just “swapping part A with part B”.

It’s basically that the cost of tooling a separate line for the standard range vehicles with smaller batteries and weaker motors would be more expensive then just selling the cars for less and locking out some of the battery capacity via a software lock that the person can pay to unlock later. It’s dumb but it’s also

Yep, the man has an innate understanding of gameplay and what keeps the player engaged even if the justification is sometimes baffling.

Wii music walked so trombone hero could run.

A big problem with the salvation army is that because of the nature of their “chapters” some of the better ones get thrown under the bus with the bad ones (which the bad ones are sadly the majority) but they don’t really have a choice to split off from the name because that brand recognition is what gets people to

The thing is Miyamoto has a weird logic to his madness. My favorite was Donkey Kong Returns on the Wii. Miyamoto tried out an early alpha and noticed a little dust cloud when you jumped so he started jumping up and down to make more dust clouds. after a little bit he apparently said “you should use that effect for a

It’s really not though, we have enough data to show that a gas stove being present in a house adversely effects the development of children. That alone is grounds enough that they shouldn’t be installed in new homes. 

good, the more studios give in the better the deal will be for the strikers.

I never said not to count the initial purchase just exclude the value of the vehicle itself that you would add and then subtract depreciation from.

My first thought exactly.

I’m really hoping we don’t see a NEW NEW New Republic in episode not 10 with Rey. just let the different systems govern themselves or form smaller collectives. that leads to way more interesting dynamics than a galaxy wide governing body ever did.

I don’t round up ever, instead I just donate directly to the organizations. The problem with the rounding up for charity is that you have a very short time to understand where the money is going and whether you actually support the organization. I live in a conservative area so on more than one occasion I have found

A remake would be awesome. While the original game is great some of the combat and platforming have not aged as well. It would also be a great way to get some people refamiliarizes with the series since its been 20 years since the first game.

ten points if a lawyer references the magna carta during the suit.