
These parents should really be shunned by polite society, but they probably live surrounded by shitheads just like them. 

According to the reports I’ve read, she spoke to a doctor the day before she died.

Henson was sort of extra sad to me, because we still needed him/his voice and his kindness

Yeah, to think that a person has this kind of phrase in their go-to analogies is fucking disturbing; like, who the hell makes reference to a “public hanging” without having reconsidered her options, especially in light of her state’s history with such events? Goddamn.

Let’s follow this chain of (non)thought - ‘I hold X person in such high regard, that even if I was invited to a horrible event (a public hanging) by this person, not only would I go, I would be in the front row’. So for her, the deference she owes this person (unnamed, but I bet it’s a stale pale male) is greater than

It’s incredibly revealing, sometimes, what someone thinks is funny and what they say out loud in front of strangers. Most normal people wouldn’t think of this as something even remotely joke-worthy.

I don’t live in Mississippi but donated twenty bucks to Espy today. Tired of racists.

I hope this follows her to the end of her career & that that career is effectively over November 27th. 

damn really thought i was gonna walk this year

I’m wearing Fenty lip gloss as I type this. So: hell yeah.

I’m just going to keep throwing my money at Rihanna, aren't I?

There really isn’t even a choice. I’ve had dogs, I have a dog, and I do not need to know what kind of shenanigans they would get up to with hands. Besides, I think we all know that the only thing a cat would do with a human face is constantly sneer at the futility of mankind’s endeavors.

Considering that I haven’t fit in any of their bras since I was like 13 years old, this does not surprise me in any way, shape, or form.

I don’t know why, but I just love the way you wrote this post — “cooking me with their tender little furnace bodies.” It’s just beautiful.

Ahh I got a little teary reading that. They are literally tiny furnaces!

Six days. Six. I’m a gay dude and even I know that’s not a good sign.

Totally agree, and I’ll just add that I’m glad I’m someone who never wants to give birth, so I will never have to deal with any of this stuff.

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

This is actually the part I find most troubling. It should be expected that you are going to find uninhibited racists inside a gated community, but the actual dispatching of police to a location away from the supposed “crime” scene for an allegation of trespassing is very problematic It implies the police knowingly

How did the cops know where Kemp lived? Also the cops actually spent the time to go visit Kemp when no crime was committed. That’s some dedication you don’t usually see from the local Slave Patrol.