BIGBLOCK472 - wide and bizarre

I’ve already deleted my shortcut to Jalopnik and Oppo a couple of months ago and can only get here by manually typing the address. The changes around here are too hard to watch but I can’t seem to completely quit visiting. I wish I were hip and savvy with all these platforms and knew how to find out where all my

It’s a totally different scenario  

I had a PS2 that died from the infamous disc read error the same week as thousands of others units died that resulted in the lawsuit against Sony in the early 2000s. Mine was barely outside the range of serial numbers slated for replacement, so Sony said fuck off. That should tell you how likely I am to ever purchase

I did basically the same thing, except with a Dart and a Camry. I’ll lust after FCA products but my dollar will go to Toyota from now on. 

You’re killing me 

It has been designed, just not styled. I love it. 

Oh wow. That’s incredibly rude. 

You nailed it. 

H. pylori was running through my head as I read this article too. 

The “treatment at the ER” argument is a terrible one. When someone goes to the ER for a non-emergency they are taking resources away from people with actual emergencies. Plus since they don’t have an emergency medical condition their insurance won’t pay for the visit and the patient is stuck with thousands of dollars

I grew up in a part of Mississippi so rural the only things to do are drink and fuck. There are a lot of drunk drivers and I have reported every one I suspected of not being sober... so many, in fact, that I couldn’t possibly recall them all. I don’t even think it’s a shitty thing to do and it wouldn’t be a stretch to

I’ll give you three: quality, durability, and reliability.

There are PLENTY of reasons to buy a Camry. 

What is the name of that color?


I also wonder if these hybrid models are simply compliance cars or why Nissan is willing to abandon its investments in those models so quickly? 

There was a Pathfinder Hybrid too!

If you search for “Rogue hybrid cargo space” you’ll see plenty of pictures of rogue hybrids with the rear seats folded down. I’m not sure how the author got that idea. 

Where is the window between the C and D pillars? Do you mean the tiny window next to the A pillar and side mirror?

Phew.. 6’7” 350lbs with a big beard who loves wagons? Marry me!