Bengals. He’d match with Andy Dalton.
Bengals. He’d match with Andy Dalton.
Whoa! Big Bill! Thanks for the lengthy detailed response - you totally could have ignored me. I have never paid PFF or FO much mind, so thanks for the curiosity-filler. I’ll try to avoid being a cat. Cheers!
[scribble notes furiously]
Agreed. Most people don’t look that good, and most people are offensive in some fashion. Shes just more forthcoming.
Seriously, it’s not like I listen to my wife anyway, and we agree on most things (I think)...
I think we’re actually on the same page now, and if we aren’t we’re def getting closer. Thanks for your patience with this. Some of these other commenters have all these strawmen that take forever to light on fire. I guess that’s why they call them strawmen though right? SMH cheers
+10,000 spoons
The very pants I was returning...
The suspension is quite obviously heavy-handed as a result of the USWNT and Solo, specifically, being so outspoken about fair pay.
The “highest percentage of signing bonus received in the first calendar year” is among Chargers draftees, not among draftees league-wide, a comparison they use because the Chargers routinely try to stiff their rookies.
This article mentions “nausea and vomiting” as a result of the fight but I wonder if anyone has considered the possibility that the actual cause of the “nausea and vomiting” was in fact, the play of the baseball team which was so poor that it was sickening to watch.... just a thought. Hope you guys are enjoying your…
And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.
This is a complicated and fraught topic, one that deserves a more thoughtful take than the one offered by Ms. Moskovitz. This is not about some cruel effort by men to define and control women’s bodies, as she glibly asserts. It’s about trying to create an environment where women have a chance to compete and succeed,…
Triple H is VERY disappointed:
If I was unemployed, why would my mom get to pack me delicious Lunchables every day?
Nice to see they are signing Tom Brady’s son as well.
Stepped over like a dirty welcome mat.
Sources tell us that Labaton Sucharow has reached out to former ESPN employees in an attempt to gather information that could be used in a potential class-action suit against Disney.
“I’ve got just the boat!”