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A civil internet discussion! If only Alpo Siberia was paying attention to us maybe they’d learn a thing or two!

The precedent that supposedly “established that the press can legally use illegally obtained information” is Bartnicki, as mentioned in the article, but I’m not sure that’s analogous to this Pierre-Paul case.

Not coming off dickish at all — I totally understand your point.

Publishing his actual medical record (or really even trying to work hospital sources) crosses a line.

Ya I understand that’s the point that has led to this debacle for Johnson. To be sure, a presidential candidate should know much more than me about these issues so it’s no excuse for Johnson. My main points here are:

Also the greys on this thread are tremendous.

I’m going to go with Keshawn Johnson this week.

I think I’m reasonably well-informed on national affairs and Syria and its refugee crisis and before today I would not have known what Aleppo is either.

Wild is one syllable. It’s double-yew (three syllables). This blog sucks.

This is VERY fair.

Plasticbrain2 has the innate ability to articulate what I’m talking about better than me.

I would submit that even something as recent as 1988 is dated in a country where there are at least a dozen states in the south that are overtly, proudly and nearly uniformly racist right now. Today.

The point is that characterization of Boston and MA in general is very dated and seems even sillier in a time when there are states actively seeking to effectively revoke voting rights for any minority group, and they’re doing it out in the open.

Nah, you’re not wrong. Tom Yawkey, all the stuff on busing, treatment of Bill Russell, and the perception that Irish Catholics are racist (itself a racist thought!) — all basically 25-50 years old at this point — contribute to this idea that Boston and MA is racist. Seeing how far the state has come and the generally

No one thinks Massachusetts is incapable of racism.

Cited primary results since that’s what the previous commenter was himself referencing. The Red Sox refused to integrate under notable racist Tom Yawkey, which is where the perception of Boston sports as racist originates. He died 40 years ago and with the rampant racism flourishing across the country it’s bizarre to

No doubt that sentiment exists around the state. You’re absolutely correct. My point is not that Massachusetts is innoculated from racism or Trump’s brand of conservatism but rather that the tired trope that Massachusetts should be known for being racist is dated and inaccurate. Head down to the deep south and then

I’m not mad I’m actually laughing. It’s funny to me. This is ifne.

Only in the sense that everywhere is still pretty damn racist. If you were to somehow objectively rank states in terms of racism, MA would not be near the top of the list.

Trump votes in MA primary: 311,313