Overwatch’s 3 vs. 3 Elimination mode, out since November, turns on its head everything we know about team…
Overwatch’s 3 vs. 3 Elimination mode, out since November, turns on its head everything we know about team…
I work in advertising for the gaming industry, and this (frustrating thing) happens because of timelines and process. Often you start a project like this a whole year in advance, or six months, before any reviews are even out. Literally no one has played the game, or reviewed it, but you’re required to provide quotes…
A recent advertisement for Ubisoft’s upcoming The Division suggests that a gaming website declared it to be better…
Nintendo doesn’t need to explain themselves to these people. It’s not their responsibility that a very small group of their fans are angry about basically nothing. I’m willing to bet that they’re not even aware of this supposed backlash. And why would they be? As the article states, Fire Emblem Fates is selling…
When Fire Emblem Fates was released for 3DS in Japan early last summer, it didn’t have a US release date. Within 24…
Well, I would guess that the majority of people who bought this are children, and it’s unfair to expect an eight-year-old to look for warning signs that this might be a scam.
If the NX is to ditch the GamePad but offer Wii U b/c, this would be a good contingency plan.
Didn’t Nintendo announce that WiiUs actually can handle two gamepads when they revealed the console?
So, that definitive Street Fighter soundtrack we wrote about a few weeks ago is now out. I’ve been listening to it…
After 16 years covering the game industry, playing hundreds of games and interviewing thousands of people, I've…
Super Mario World, which is a game about a plumber riding a dinosaur, is filled with rules that make absolutely no…
It's like clockwork. Every month, a handful of emails hit my inbox from readers with a singular purpose: What should…