Anthony Shelton

The fact Zarya isn’t mentioned is disturbing. Zarya can 1v1 Roadhog pretty dang well and be an absolute lethal threat to the rest of the team. And she can save her teammates from the hook. If you’re nor running street pig, you gotta run Zarya.

But as of now, even he doesn’t know MS’s full plan. It could totally go down the road he’said saying they are going down. Or...not. It could be MS saying “Oh well, deal with it” while they lose support from many high profile PC folk or it could be they’re moving forward in a way they didn’t discuss with Tim.

After reading it a few times, I’m actually not a fan of the way Tim went about this. He accused Microsoft of doing something before it even happened. It’s one thing to raise a big concern, it’s another thing to accuse and twist public perception because Microsoft didn’t go in the direction you suggested and are afraid

Well figure out another differentiator because casual isn’t the word you’re looking for 'cause anyone who dedicates themselves, even to one game, is beyond a casual.

The fact you think a publicly traded company shouldn’t cater to the group that makes them money is baffling.

You’re trying to discredit the amount of money by labeling it “casual” money simply because you, basically, don’t want to acknowledge a sports game as something “gamers” play.

Speaking purely in terms of ideal and my own expectations, it would be great to walk the world of Pokemon in a first or third-person perspective. Seeing your Pokemon actually battle instead of Pokemon Stadium-style attacking (though I think they do that to limit the feeling of animal cruelty).

Pokemon fans - that’s me included - have been wanting a true console Pokemon game since the N64. Blowing everyone’s mind is not in Nintendo’s M.O. with Pokemon, it seems like.

I’m trying to figure out what these translators are really fighting for. With the example of the two assassins, I found the localized version more amusing and entertaining. The translated version basically amounted to nothing anyway.

The Master Chief Collection burned those bridges. Halo 4 was forgivable.

That looked like Pewdiepie is used to doing things by himself and that he’s intimidated being on Conan; which he should be.

I’ve never had a problem with review summaries and scores except when it comes to the discussions they create. It always devolves into arguments with people who didn’t read the review. So good for you, Kotaku. I like this a lot.

I would have taken “We should have come back and revised our ballpark estimates. We did not. We are sorry.” The explanation is more confusing and doesn’t help me understand why the estimate wasn’t realistic, borderline deceptive, and not clear.

Wow. Like, just wow.

I’m actually in the process of getting a monitor. I might look into this G-Sync technology but I’m not sure it’ll work with my graphics card. I got a lowly GTX 660 Ti (which has actually been working very well for me but I acknowledge it’s time to upgrade). But if I had to choose, I’d rather have a better monitor.

I want to know that. It bugs me. A lot.

I’d actually like to get into eSports commentating. I’m in school for radio and I enjoy play-by-play so I’d like to get into in my favorite medium. But I’d like to do Rocket League or Halo. Those games are more entertaining to me.

I like the PS4 even though I barely use it. It’s a solid console. That’s all I can say, sadly. Actually, I don’t regret the purchase. That’s something else.

Don’t see the problem with this. They made more before it comes out, increase the price. It’s logical.

This art is amazing. Love the small details added in the environments and clothing. Have tried to learn to paint my early years, so I understand how crazy it is to do what they do. Good stuff.